“Big Red.” Photo ©Erika Burkhalter. All photos were taken with the new Nikon Z9 and the NIKKOR Z 100–400mm ƒ4.5–5.6 VR S lens.

Nature Photography, Hummingbirds

Tiny Jewels

Allen’s Hummingbirds in flight and bathing in my fountain. Zooming in with my new Nikon Z9 and the NIKKOR Z 100–400mm ƒ4.5–5.6 VR S lens.

Butterfly Dreams
Published in
5 min readApr 28, 2022


“Big Red” is a very busy Allen’s Hummingbird. He spends most of his waking hours defending his turf — which consists of the orange tree and the right hand side of the water fountain. The left side of the water fountain and the camelia bush belong to “Einstein,” Big Red’s rival.

“I am Einstein. I rule the left-hand side of the fountain and the camelia bush.” Photo ©Erika Burkhalter

The two males seem to have their territories fairly well-worked out. I’ve often seen the two of them bathing at the same time on the opposite sides of the fountain. I’m quite sure that the fact that they can’t see each other around the water feature in the center helps in maintaining the peace.

But when another hummingbird, especially another male, attempts to slip in for a quick dip, he is quickly run off amidst a scattering of high-pitched chirps and clicks and the buzz of tail feathers specifically designed to drive terror into the other bird’s little heart.



Butterfly Dreams

Photographer, yogi, cat-mom, lover of travel and nature, spreading amazement for Mother Earth, one photo, poem or story at a time. (MA Yoga, MS Neuropsychology)