Interview with Vet in the City

Butternut Box
Butternut Box
Published in
3 min readAug 10, 2017
Ciara in her element amongst her canine clients

We caught up with Ciara Clarke of Vet in the City to find out a little about her business and what makes her tick!

- Tell us a little about how you got interested in veterinary medicine.

Growing up in rural Ireland, I was lucky to be surrounded by animals and could always be found outside playing with our dogs, cats, chickens, calves. Basically anything with fur or feathers! Like many vets, I knew from an early age what I wanted to be “when I grew up”. For me, being a vet is not just a job, it’s a way of life and I love it.

- What made you want to move away from traditional Veterinary medicine and set up Vet in the City?

I still work in veterinary practice but have noticed a change in the way we treat our pets. They are not just companion animals, they are part of the family. Working alongside doggy daycare facilities, I get to focus more on proactive and preventative care, ensuring our beloved dogs can stay in top shape.

- What are the biggest challenges you face running Vet in the City on a day to day basis?

The things I wasn’t taught in vet school! Branding, website development, marketing and accounts. Thankfully I have a very smart team working with me, ensuring these things run smoothly.

- What is your long-term goal with running Vet in the City?

Keeping dogs healthy together is not just a tag-line. I really believe that preventative and proactive medicine, alongside balanced nutrition will see our dogs living longer and happier lives. I would love to see this extend to more dogs throughout the city.

- What do you most enjoy about running Vet in the City?

Working with dogs and their owners. Cats are cool, bunnies are fun and lizards are always exciting patients. But dogs are my favourite.

- What is your favourite breed of dog and why?

The good old Border Collie. Growing up on a farm, we always had collies, so there is that element of nostalgia. And my family dog Lucky is true to her breed; highly intelligent, kind and gentle. After that, I have no favourites. Chihuahua, crossbreed or corgi, it’s all about personality!

- During your career as a vet, what has been the funniest moment you have had while treating a dog?

Oh there have been many! Dogs can make you laugh and sometimes their owners more! Six symmetrical ticks that were male nipples (much to the owners surprise), Action Man flippers seen on xrays (and later in poop) and brilliantly ridiculous dog names given by kids who now, all grown up, blush when Princess Winnie the Poodle or Droolious Caesar are called in the waiting room, these all make me smile.

