Meet the Team

Butternut Box
Butternut Box
Published in
8 min readOct 5, 2017
Team BB

We always love seeing the owners behind a dog, so we thought you might like to see the faces behind our company. We did a little Q&A with the team and surprisingly, a lot of the facts we learnt are to do with dogs… Cause... Well…We love dogs.

Kevin (Co-Founder)


Personal Fact
When I watched the movie “The Truman Show” with Jim Carey at the age of 10, I was convinced I was being filmed at all times (for at least 6 months) and used to try and catch my parents out by running into the kitchen to see if they were rehearsing lines.

I love when I fly back to Dublin to see my family and my dog Ace. Upon greeting me he will then assume the sploot position in order to be stroked. For those that do not know what the sploot is — “A sploot is a type of stretch that some pets do. Although it’s typically associated with corgis, many breeds of dogs can sploot too. This special stretch is defined as a pet laying on their belly while stretching their legs out behind them.”

Best Compliment
Any time someone on the team says they are having a great time, that is all that is needed to make my day.

Dave (Co-Founder)


Personal Fact
I was once on the hit TV quiz show, Eggheads. I faced Barry in the music round and lost in sudden death. I knew the answer to his first sudden death question.

I used to have a pitbull called Sprinkles. She was my best friend and we spent every minute of every day together. She was the most gentle creature on the planet and had a turquoise gillet with a faux fur hood.

Best Compliment
A customer once called in tears to tell us that her rescue staffie that wouldn’t eat anything at all, was now happily eating again thanks to Butternut Box. That’s the kind of story that fuels us to work longer and harder than we already do.

Christy (Graphic Designer)

Graphic Designer

Personal Fact
When I was a toddler I drew in crayon swirly patterns, up the walls and (carpeted) stairs all the way into the bathroom. We had to replace the carpet… But my mum thought it was good and didn’t tell me off. Since then she’s heavily encouraged me to do Art and Design… Probably didn’t want that carpet replacement bill to be in vain.

And I really hate mushrooms.

My old dog Treacle use to sneakily run up to you and try to stick his tongue up your nostril. He only succeeded once, but I can honestly say it was the worst experience of my life.

Best Compliment
I like to strategically make jokes to Katie as she sips her coffee. She spits it out a lot which I take as her complimenting my sense of humour

Katie (Customer Love)

Customer Love

Personal Fact
I turn 30 next week and I recently had to phone my dad to come over to my house to trap a spider because I couldn’t go within 10ft of the room it was in.

I grew up alongside the world’s most tolerant golden Labrador called Maxi. Apparently, as a baby I would use fistfuls of her fur to pull myself up to stand and would often be found napping alongside her in her basket. Once, as a toddler while being left alone with some paints (a poor judgement call) I turned her into a black Labrador. Sorry Maxi.

Best Compliment
I was once mistaken for hippy soul singer Joss Stone. We look nothing alike but I will take that to the grave.

Lauren (Customer Love)

Customer Love

Personal Fact
When I was a child I would pretend to be a dog pretty much 24/7 — I’d walk around on all-fours and wait for people to stroke my head, and would only drink from a bowl of water on the floor. I’m glad I grew out of that.

The family dog used to bury things like socks and bones in the garden occasionally. I once came back from a day trip somewhere and found that I’d lost my purse with all my birthday money in it, and my mum was super angry with me for being so careless. We found it several years later buried in the garden — the cash was still intact.

Best Compliment
Being referred to as “a lovely lady” by customers. Glad I come across as refined and put-together!

Kirsten (Customer Love)

Customer Love

Personal Fact
Besides dogs, I love fish so much that I moved country to learn all about them. I spent an entire summer once bothering a school of mackerel in Norway. I also prefer to eat peas still frozen.

Both of my family dogs have been excellent thieves. One, a feisty Springer Spaniel, used to steal my sausages from my highchair table in exchange for letting me ride her like a miniature horse. The other, a boisterous Westie, used to steal my underwear and socks to play tug-of-war with, then proudly display them all on the hedge outside for the world to see. Thanks Peggy.

Best Compliment
My mum thinks I’m cool.

Ellie (Community Manager)

Community Manager

Personal Fact
I lived in New York once and would spend my nights sneaking into endless Celebrity parties. Each time I would convince the bouncer that I was someone important who’d flown in from England, worked every time.

I left my dog Buster in the car while I quickly dashed into the nearest food store. At the checkout I was greeted by a familiar face, as he’d sneakily jumped out of the window and followed me in there.

Best Compliment
Kev said I’d work well in the kitchen.

Niall (Tech Boiz)

Tech Boiz

Personal Fact
When I was about five, I wrote my younger brother’s name in crayon on the wall, figuring that he would get the blame, and that’d I’d get away scot free. This would have worked better if my brother had known how to write at the time.

We’ve never had a family dog but we would regularly go to our Uncle’s with the real main purpose of seeing their Golden Retriever.

Best Compliment
My mum thinks I’m nice.

Tomas (Tech Boiz)

Tech Boiz

Personal Fact
Just before starting to work with Butternut Box I decided to cycle 1700km in a month through France and Spain with little to no preparation or training. I did it on my fixed gear bike to make it that bit more challenging. It was one of the best experiences of my life.

One time my mom cooked a beautiful leg of lamb. We had been looking forward to it all week and it smelled divine. We decided to leave the leg of lamb cool down on the kitchen counter while we went to the shops. A little while later we returned to the kitchen and found a trail of grease from the counter to the kitchen table. Lucy was under the table halfway through the leg of lamb. We ate pizza that night instead.

Best Compliment
“You’re really tall” — most people that I meet.

Hannah (Marketing Magician)

Marketing Magician

Personal Fact
I am annoyingly allergic to strawberries

I’ve grown up around dogs, and been a dog lover since the word go. In fact my mum spent a good portion of my childhood trying to get me not to lie down in the dog’s bed.

Best Compliment
Once at a party someone asked me if I was a professional dancer. I think she’d had a drink, but it was still a great moment.

Andy (Marketing Lad)

Marketing Lad

Personal Fact
I opened a box on Deal or No Deal and I was a huge Sir Bruce Forsyth fan (his one man show at the Royal Albert Hall was one of the best nights in London I’ve had).

Growing up I had a Tibetan Terrier called Fudge. She was the laziest dog that has ever walked the planet. She used to slowly amble away and hide when someone shouted ‘walkies’.

Best Compliment
I got mistaken for Jake Gyllenhaal whilst in Slovenia. Dreamy. He’s A-list.

Tony (Production King)

Production King

Personal Fact
When I was a child Judi Dench and her daughter Finty used to look after me.

My Nan’s Jack Russell “Colonel” once on a walk on Westward Ho! beach decided to go for a swim. He did not think to turn around and got wash out in to the Atlantic Ocean. At this point my Nan thought he was lost forever, but he was found a week later on Lundy Island which is 20 miles from Westward Ho! and is the last piece of land until you reach America. He was such a stubborn dog, that no doubt if he missed Lundy he would have been walking the streets of New York.

Best Compliment
A member of my old team from BPL agreeing to marry me.

Nick (Operations Analyst)

Operations Analyst

Personal Fact
I am a man of very few words. I met Dave on a frozen food isle and I won 7th best sniper in Europe… in COD (Call of Duty).

I like dogs.

Best Compliment
Ellie said I have a good hair day, every day.

Jack (Fulfilment Manager)

Fulfilment Manager

Personal Fact
Earlier in the year I won a fitness session with Chris Robshaw who said I had very nice calves.

I once ate dog food and enjoyed it. Luckily it was Butternut Box!

Best Compliment
‘You have a great handshake’ David Nolan

