Button at FlawlessHacks

Tyler Nappy
Button Blog
Published in
1 min readApr 26, 2017

This weekend, Button sponsored FlawlessHacks, a hackathon dedicated to mentoring women in tech, held at Spotify’s NYC HQ. The event brought out 40 mentors and 180 female programmers looking to learn about new technologies and build something cool over the weekend.

Doors opened at 9am when hackers arrived to find out more about sponsor technologies, grab some swag, eat breakfast, and listen to the two keynotes given by Amélie Lamont and Kaya Thomas. The next 12 hours consisted of hacking and workshops in topics that included intro to programming, AR/VR, and APIs. Demos started at 9pm, when each of the teams who submitted their hacks presented what they worked on that day.

It was an all around great job by all hackers! Button’s looking forward to next year’s FlawlessHacks!



Tyler Nappy
Button Blog

Senior Sales Engineer & Software Engineer | @button