Button at PennApps XV

Tyler Nappy
Button Blog
Published in
6 min readJan 26, 2017
PennApps opening ceremonies

Button just got back from the infamous PennApps this past weekend. The event brought out 1,200 college hackers from various schools, education backgrounds, and geographic regions to create a weekend of innovation and cheesesteaks.

Here’s a look at the teams that used Button in their hack…

Crypt — Button’s 1st place winner

Buttons created — Uber, Resy, Delivery.com, Jet.com

Technologies used — Mobile web, React.js


Source code

Password management systems effectively and securely maintain user passwords but they fall short gaining insights on what the user is intending to do when signing into a particular account. Crypt keeps track of this and gives users suggestive actions through Buttons.

In the Crypt dashboard, you can add each of your account logins. Crypt will then programmatically create a unique, hacker proof email and password for you to use for each of these particular accounts. Crypt takes it a step further by identifying particular organizations and apps it’s managing passwords for and provides actionable Buttons for each of these. For example, if Crypt is managing your Netflix account, a Delivery.com Button will appear on the page that houses this account login, because, you know, you might want to get some food delivered when binge watching on Netflix. For your .edu account, a Resy Button will appear for you to book a reservation at one of your favorite restaurants around campus. If it detects an AMC account, an Uber button will show so you can easily book transportation to a film you want to see. If it detects it’s managing a password for your Chase bank account, a Jet.com Button will appear for you to make purchases with all that money in your account.

Congrats Team Crypt!


Buttons created — Uber, Ticketmaster

Technologies used — Android, Python

Source code

eEvents aims to make it easier to find events and activities that are happening around college campuses. On a mobile phone, a user logs in with their .edu credentials and eEvents shows what events are happening around their campus. If the event is a concert, a Ticketmaster Button appears for that user to buy tickets. Additionally, each event has an Uber Button to allow him or her to book travel to the event.


Too Hot

Buttons created — Uber

Technologies used — Mobile web, Raspberry Pi, Arduino, Python

Source code

Arduino source code

Too Hot hardware

Although you have the best intentions in mind, you risk infecting others if you show up to work sick. To save your coworkers from your ailments, Too Hot detects sickly workers and sends them home via Uber.

Using a Raspberry Pi, an Arduino, an Android tablet, and RadioShack’s waterproof pocket infrared thermometer, the device monitors people’s temperatures as they walk by. If it detects a high temperature — indicating illness — the sick worker must put in his or her name. This looks up their home address, which then brings up an Uber Button programmed to take them home, thus avoiding the spread of their illness to others.


Buttons created — Uber

Technologies used — iOS, Swift, Firebase, Google Maps

Source code

CitySpirit allows users to find social opportunities in Philadelphia and presents these within a clean, easy to navigate UI. The app breaks opportunities down into three categories — activities, food, and health — and users can book travel to them through an Uber Button within the app. As a user, to know where you are, there is Google Maps integration to see the selected event in relation to yourself. The login process is secured through Firebase authentication.


Buttons created — Uber

Technologies used — Android, Node.js

Source code


Doctor clinics can be overcrowded in low income areas, causing long wait times and shortening the amount of time doctors spend with patients, which can result in a decrease in treatment quality. ClinicConnect allows patients in need of immediate care avoid busy clinics, routing them to clinics with less wait time. The app accomplishes this by scraping JSON databases with geographical locations and locates clinics in the area that are above or below optimal capacity. From this, the app recommends patients to clinics with the least amount of wait time yet still within a reasonable travel distance. Additionally, ClinicConnect establishes a standardized appointment system so patients can let clinics know their symptoms ahead of time.

Goal ‘n Go

Buttons created — Jet.com

Technologies used — Mobile web, Angular.js, Ionic

Source code

Goal ‘n Go

Goal ‘n Go’s inspiration was that people should pay for experiences, not things. This mobile web app allows you to assign particular amounts of time to small digestible tasks. When you complete a task, the app allows you to treat yourself by showing a Jet.com Button so you can buy something you really like!


Buttons created — Uber

Technologies used — iOS

Source code

CryptoNote is a password manager with a twist. Rather than have one universal, regularly typed password for all of your internet accounts, you have to drum to a beat on your phone to unlock your various internet accounts. The idea is that no one else can replicate your unique musical beat!

The team also added an Uber Button in the app programmed to take you to PennApps because, why not?


Buttons created — Uber, Resy

Technologies used — Mobile web


This app makes keeping track of long term goals simpler and easier. Input the name of the goal, a description of it, how many hours a week you want to dedicate to it, and which days you want to tackle it. Then, when you begin a task, start the timer in the app. When the timer is complete, a portion of your progress bar increases. You can compare your progress with your friends’ to see who can complete the most tasks!

Cue intelligently knows which tasks require a bit more actionable assistance to accomplish. For example, if the task is to go to dinner with a friend, a Resy Button appears to book a restaurant reservation.


Button will be in SF February 10th to the 20th for Developer Week and TreeHacks. Stay tuned for more Button hacks!

PennApps demos



Tyler Nappy
Button Blog

Senior Sales Engineer & Software Engineer | @button