[Case Study] How BuzzFeed Scaled Mobile Revenue Through a Content and Commerce Strategy

Rachel MacDonald
Button Blog
Published in
2 min readMar 12, 2019

In the mobile economy, intent is spread across the entire ecosystem. From loyal users ready to buy directly in an airline’s app to users looking for purchase inspiration in the content they’re reading on media outlets like BuzzFeed, there are many different places a user might start their purchasing journey. With this shift in intent over the last few years, the concept of content and commerce has emerged to represent a core piece of publishers’ businesses. Consider BuzzFeed’s decision to double down here and launch BuzzFeed Reviews or The Wire Cutter’s decision to launch its own deals event. Publishers have learned the mobile buyer’s journey can move from awareness to purchase swiftly if the experience is right. And that’s exactly what Button helped BuzzFeed do.

“BuzzFeed is the king of merging content and commerce in the most authentic way. Incorporating mobile shopping for consumers within their properties is an exciting opportunity, and the variety of Button Brands combined with BuzzFeed’s content creates endless possibilities for all partners — a win, win all around.”

— Michael Jaconi, CEO, Button

With help from their partnership with Button, BuzzFeed enabled a simple path for users to swiftly move from inspiration to item purchased, and generated an 89% increase in sales. Download the case study to learn firsthand how BuzzFeed is evolving the shopping experience, meeting customers’ needs, and ultimately increasing revenue.

