Rewarding Your Users with Button: Quidco & hungryhouse

Rachel MacDonald
Button Blog
Published in
3 min readJun 29, 2018

Quidco, the UK’s leading cashback site, was eager to find a way to offer its six million members rewards for purchasing relevant deals on mobile. Quidco’s model to promote new trials and loyalty for brands only works if their users are able to complete relevant purchases easily and quickly, while those purchases are attributed to Quidco to reward those users.

Hungryhouse, Delivery Hero’s UK subsidiary for takeout food, wanted to create a simple way to acquire new users and re-engage existing ones by putting their inventory front-and-center in Quidco’s app, offering food delivery with the incentive of a cashback reward.

By using Button to power their mobile partnership, they saw 28% of Quidco users sent to hungryhouse complete a purchase; additionally, Quidco realized 457% revenue growth in using Button over their previous affiliate provider’s flow and a 24% increase in time spent in their app for users that tapped the hungryhouse Button.

Mobile Partnerships are Challenging

Both Quidco and hungryhouse were looking for a game-changing customer experience and realized that it would take a substantial amount of time to build out the technology and coordinate the integration.

The easiest path forward was for Quidco to send people to hungryhouse’s mobile website, knowing it would be universally accessible and would require little integration work. After integrating an Uber button, however, Quidco realized they could provide a better experience for their users that converted better through Button.

Button: Better for Your Users and Your Partners

Button’s solution offered a way to link Quidco’s app directly to hungryhouse’s app natively with integration work as simple as using one SDK and a few lines of code. Even better, since Quidco had already integrated an Uber button with Button’s SDK previously, adding hungryhouse was even easier: as simple as selecting the additional Button and placement.

“With Button, we’ve been able to accelerate our time to market with new partners and vastly improve end-to-end performance, all while providing users with the best possible mobile experience.”
-Jordan Lunetta, Mobile Product Owner, hungryhouse

Now, when Quidco users tap a Button to order from hungryhouse, instead of being sent directly to a mobile website, they see a native Commerce Card that previews the types of restaurants they can order from. The user can choose one of the options presented, or choose to see more restaurants in the app.

After tapping on an option, they are sent directly to hungryhouse’s app to the restaurant they were interested in ordering from, to seamlessly complete their order. If they don’t have hungryhouse installed, they are prompted to install the app first, then are sent to the restaurant of their choice.

Results that Drive Revenue

Creating a partnership that connected their native apps paid dividends for both Quidco and hungryhouse. Since launching their app-to-app partnership with Button, they’ve seen:

  • Increased revenue — Quidco saw 319% revenue growth in using Button over their previous affiliate provider’s flow.
  • Improved purchase conversion — 28% of Quidco users that are sent to hungryhouse complete a purchase.
  • Better channel performance — hungryhouse sees a 300% higher conversion rate for new users with Button over standard mobile ad networks.
  • High LTV users — 41% of Quidco users who have made a purchase in hungryhouse become repeat purchasers.
  • Higher user engagement 24% increase in time spent, 9% increase in sessions in Quidco’s app for users who tapped the hungryhouse Button.

Additionally, Button’s mobile measurement has been robust for both partners with zero issues since launch and a reduced number of customer support requests, where past mobile measurement providers and affiliate flows proved troublesome.

Button has driven higher revenue, and user engagement rates for Quidco users, and thousands of app installs of high LTV users for hungryhouse since launch. Both partners continue to see marked performance increases week-over-week.

It’s Your Turn

Get started with Button to make your partnerships on mobile the best experiences they can be products on demand, as a marketer.

