Sensing the immaterial-material city

Drawing RFID, wifi, street markings, and painting the network

Dan Hill
But what was the question?
5 min readOct 12, 2009


Timo Arnall and Jack Schulze’s research piece Immaterials is quite lovely, exploring the otherwise invisible multi-sensory and spatial qualities of RFID in terms of its readable volume, captured with a simple LED/sensor and camera. (This piece posted on 12th October 2009.)

Here’s their film, in which they explain more:

As well as the conceptual backdrop, outlined in more detail by both Timo and Jack, I particularly like the care and attention they’ve given to the visualisation, and the presentation of the research. This is quality design, involving physical and film-based prototyping.

Timo’s image of a physical RFID probe

It’s perhaps drawing a long bow, but in their emerging work I even see something of the early experiments of, say, Benjamin Franklin and Nikola Tesla in terms of understanding the behaviour of…



Dan Hill
But what was the question?

Designer, urbanist, etc. Director of Melbourne School of Design. Previously, Swedish gov, Arup, UCL IIPP, Fabrica, Helsinki Design Lab, BBC etc