Welcome to BuyerDeck

Adam Williams
BuyerDeck Blog
Published in
10 min readSep 5, 2016

We have created a tool that solves the content sharing problem faced by Sales reps and Marketing departments.

  • No more wasting time searching the company folders for the case study you can never find.
  • No more dreaded multiple file attachments that get deleted before they get looked at by buyers.
  • No more black hole in Marketing's analytics for how Sales people (and opportunities) are utilising and engaging with their content.

This is an introduction to our tool, the powers it gives you as a sales person, and frequently asked questions that might field some of your initial queries.

What is BuyerDeck?

BuyerDeck gives Salespeople the power to quickly create and share collections of relevant content with their sales opportunities.

In less than 60 seconds you can have a customised portal unique to the Sales opportunity you’ve selected.

By using BuyerDeck you’ll have all of the key Influencers and Decision Makers, all relevant content, and all relevant conversations in one place.

Salespeople take their opportunities all the way through the buying journey in seamless fashion with BuyerDeck.

Any Stakeholders that you invite into the deal will see a page something like this (but with your company branding, naturally)

So it’s a collaboration portal for Sales Opportunities? Yes. Exactly that. Let me dig in and tell you exactly why it’s proving so beneficial to the thousands of Sales people and Buying users that have experienced this new approach…

What super-powers does it give you?

New Software is often over complicated by feature bloat and endless lists of specific things you can do with various tools and tricks. To try and avoid that we’ll focus on what capabilities it gives you.

The only reason we use should use software is because it gives us an edge to improve our performance when compared with the alternative behaviour.

So let’s begin… What extra does BuyerDeck give you?

Unique Differentiation

By creating these professional spaces for your opportunities you immediately differentiate from anyone else selling to your customer.

Nobody else takes the (perceived) time to create a personalised collection of content and share it in a company branded portal, do they?

Your content is delivered in a frictionless manner and available to consume and share in an easy way that puts email and attachments to shame.

This makes a difference in the Buyer’s eyes. We’ve had countless notes from our customers commenting how their buyers have said how they loved the portal, how easy it was for them to consume and share, how much of a better experience it was.

Heck, some of them have even become customer themselves after they’ve recognised the effect it had on them when they were on the Buying side.

Sales is often a process of removing all of the barriers that stop people from buying, and a poor buying experience is often a barrier some people don’t even recognise exists until they see it disappear.

Unrivalled Analytics

You will now have complete access to all buyer activity and engagement on your content.

Every time your content gets viewed, shared, downloaded- you’ll know about it.

You’ll even be able to see how many seconds your leads spent on specific pages of the documents you shared.

Now you can see which influencers are engaged, what they’re really interested in and how much time them and their colleagues are investing in informing themselves about you and your solution.

You can start to glean insight from this and recognise which deals are likely to close, who is kickin’ tyres, and crucially you can tailor your future communications based on the insight you have.

Never before have you sold with so much information. Never before have you had a space where your buyers feel comfortable having real-time communication. A place where they’ll openly chat with you and ask questions. Why? Because it’s on their terms.

The portals you create for them act as facilitators for the consumption and interaction.

Serendipitous Conversations

With the rise of the connected world, modern buying increasingly takes place in the buyers own time. People have all of the worlds information at their fingertips. They can educate themselves.

Does that mean sales is no longer necessary? Absolutely not.

What it has brought to the forefront, however, is the importance of providing the information your buyers want and need, in the right place, at the right time.

Sales is now more about the relationship than ever, and what better way to build this than by giving them a safe space to hold conversation on their time.

In a BuyerDeck they are free to comment alongside your relevant content. They can respond to your comments, fill out your questions, and download your PDF’s.

As soon as you see them online, you can hop on- “Here if you need anything, Jim”, and boom, just like that you’re now having a conversation that otherwise wouldn’t have happened. If you’d just sent that document as a PDF attachment you’d have had no clue they were viewing it at 11:00 this morning. And you certainly wouldn’t have been in situ to strike up a convo!

These conversations are what can make you a winner. Being there when you clearly have their attention is so much better than interrupting their Thursday morning meeting with a chase email.

The great things don’t just stop here. By creating this space, they have something that is easily shareable with colleagues. As soon as they invite a colleague into the BuyerDeck, you get notified. You’re now aware that the person is involved in the deal, previously you had no clue.

And yes, in the same manner as before, as soon as that person arrives in BuyerDeck, you can introduce yourself. This isn’t just about existing conversations, this is about new conversations, Group conversations. When Buyers can see their colleagues interaction with you it’s an instant way to build trust and credibility among the wider team.

Awesome, sounds great. Now what?

Now you know what BuyerDeck can do, it’s a case of getting stuck in.

Your company will have suggested templates that are collections of content prepared for specific use-cases. You can use these initially to build BuyerDecks that are pre-populated with most of the good stuff you’ll need.

All you have to do is click “Create”, Click “invite” and voila.

Try creating a project now.

Jump in, select a template, add and remove a piece of content, and then invite me in as a dummy buyer (use adam@buyerdeck.com).

It’s perfect demonstration of how you’ll invite your Buyers in — try it now — I promise i’ll view all of your content!

Need help getting started? Chat to me in app, book a call with me here, or email me at adam@buyerdeck.com.


A few questions that you go into slightly more detail, if you have any more, let us know and we’ll add them.

What Files can I send?

You can pretty much send whatever you wish to.

Word docs, PDF's, .PPT's, .XLS', .jpg, .docx and more.

We can handle all of the usual file types, you can embed web videos (Youtube, Wistia, Vimeo), upload a variety of image files, and even create custom questionnaires within BuyerDeck.

You can even embed sharing links for Google docs for in-portal collaboration!

(if you send a lot of less common file types, check with us and we’ll let you know- and add it as a feature request if it’s a must-have)

Can I upload my own content?

Yes, you can upload individual documents from your device into any project you want to share it in.

You can upload content that you'll likely re-use into a template (and thus the repository for others to also use).

Aside from your local uploads all company sales and Marketing content should be available to you in the repository.

Every PDF, Case Study, Powerpoint, Demo Video etc will be kept up to date in BuyerDeck so that you never have to worry about finding, using, and updating the latest collateral available to share.

Will content I upload be available to everyone?

We only store new content to the repository on two occasions.
1. It’s added to a template, which indicates it’s intended for repeat use, thus quick access is easier, so we save it.
2. The exact same file is shared in more than one project. Again, the indication is the same, it’s obviously not a proposal or contract as they’d only be used on a single project, so it doesn’t look like bespoke content- so we add it to the repo.

Anything used once, on a single project (Contracts, Proposals, NDA’s etc.) are not saved to the repository and won’t be visible among team members internally.

What does my Buyer see?

No more attachments to lose or email threads running into the hundreds, that’s for sure.

Instead your prospective buyers will receive access to the shared content in the simple invitation email you send from BuyerDeck (See image below).

This is what the invitation email might look like. This is just a mock sent to Marc Benioff at SalesForce (No, we don’t typically suggest using it for prospecting, but have seen it done)

Once they’re in, they’ve got all of your relevant content at their fingertips.

You’ll be notified instantly, can have a chat, and can continue to collaborate throughout the sales process.

op for all the things they’re going to need over the duration of your communication. They can bookmark this link

What happens if I chat but they’re not online?

If the people on the BuyerDeck aren’t online and haven’t seen the message, the system will recognise this and send the message as an email instead. This will give them a quick gate back into the project and an opportunity to read your message, and you’ll be able to track whether they’ve opened the message in the BuyerDeck activity.

What they don’t have to do, is worry about saving that message or the communication, because it’s all caught in the chat on the project, so if it’s a long sales cycle with lots of back and forth comms, there’s one place where they know they can go to for a recap and all of the content.

How do I know when opportunities are viewing my stuff?

We’ll start pinging you like crazy, of course!

No, just kidding, but we will notify you in all of the appropriate ways to ensure you’re able to act responsively. We’ll send you an email, we’ll notify you in the browser, and if you’re in app we’ll deliver a shiny red beacon to get your attention.

Then you can jump straight on let your buyer know you’re on hand to help, or better yet, ask them to confirm the meeting request they are yet to respond to for next week.

Can I get my supporting team involved?

Abso-blimmin’-lutely. BuyerDeck was designed for complex sales. Complex sales have lots of contributors- on both sides.

You can invite whoever you need onto the project to help the deal along.

Everybody will be able to all of the things you can do, except track and view the buyer engagement. Everybody invited will be able to contribute in the chat, and share new pieces of content.

We often see Sales Engineers, Technical Support, Account Management, and frequently Executive sponsors on the projects. Everybody can contribute their specific knowledge to ensure the deals have the best chance of closing.

With the solutions that we’re often providing getting all the more complex, we’ve noticed it can be huge to a customer if they can see the supporting team behind the proposed solution.

The more the merrier, we say.

Is there a limit to the amount of live BuyerDeck’s I can have?

Very simply…No.

Our most succesful Sales people create a BuyerDeck for every one of their Sales opportunities. They use BD as the hub for their deals. With peace of mind that all of the information in BuyerDeck syncs straight into their SalesForce opportunities, Sales people have no real need to interact with their prospects and opps anywhere else.

No limits. You can have just 20 on the go, or you can have 200, whatever suits your needs.

What happens when the deal is done?

Once a deal is closed you’ve got options.

Closed Won: This depends a little on how the rest of your after sales process is set-up. We do have customers that will then change the ownership of the BuyerDeck to a colleague in Account Management, or the post-sales team. The project is a collaboration hub, after all, so it can be utilised just as effectively for the ongoing relationship as during the sales process.
If you decide not to go for the smooth handover, you can just archive the project. This will get it out of your way but leave the content available to the Buyers still. If they visit, you’ll still get notified, but if you know they’re in good hands, you can snooze these and ignore them.

Closed Lost: If the deal is closed lost, it’s best to archive the project. This way, it disapears from your active list and gets out of your way, but it’s still available should the buyer wish to revisit it for any reason.

Why would they? Good question, but we’ve seen people come back to projects 6 months down the line, the Sales person get’s notified, strikes up conversations again, and goes on to convert the deal to closed won!

With your BuyerDeck’s out in the wild, you know instantly when somebody is back reading your quote, so why not leave it out there?

If you really need to, you can delete it. This will shut off access to any invited parties, but equally you’ll never know if they attempt to revisit the content in future.

Can Buyers share projects with others?

Yes, Buyers can invite their colleagues or any contributors they want to have on the deal. Every time they invite somebody, you see exactly who they’ve invited and you will receive full buyer engagement analytics for that person, too.
Your content can sometimes get round the whole office full of influencers and stakeholders, and all you’ve got to do is sit there and wait for the engagement to start happening- or better still- shoot them a message on the group chat to set up a second demo to all of them.

Missing something?

This post is intended to be a solid introduction to what BuyerDeck is, what it can do for you, and how it works.

If you feel i’ve missed something important, let me know in the comments or email me on adam@buyerdeck.com, if you want a training session to run you through the tool this week or next, you can book in my calendar here.

Happy Selling, Team. :D



Adam Williams
BuyerDeck Blog

I spend a lot of my time thinking about how great Start-ups, products and people are made. Then I write drafts but seldom publish. Always learning & questioning