Cryptocurrency or Stock Market: Which is Better Choice for your first Investment?

Crypto vs. Stocks: Which Is Better?

Devendra Singh Khati
BuyUcoin Talks
5 min readFeb 19, 2022


The most debated topic of the decade Cryptocurrency or Stock Market where to invest as a beginner or a seasoed investors. Suppose you have some spare cash that you want to invest and grow. What are you going to do with it? Do you select a variety of stocks or shares? Or do you take a step into the future and invest in cryptocurrency, cryptography-secured digital currencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum? Is a hybrid approach, in which you invest in both crypto and stocks, your best bet? Let us answer your questions.

Cryptocurrency or Stock Market: Which is Better Choice for your first Investment?
Cryptocurrency or Stock Market

Cryptocurrency or Stock Market: Which is Better Choice for your first Investment?

In the third decade, the word “crypto” floated around floating around. Although people may not know about Blockchain technology, they have in common Bitcoin. It’s not surprising when many prominent individuals are now brand ambassadors for cryptocurrency exchanges. It seems like cryptocurrency trading is well-liked and embraced by most Indians.

However, before that, have you asked yourself what exactly cryptocurrency is? What is it? Or how does it function? It is a form of digital currency utilized to purchase goods and investment purposes. It is decentralized and is an ideal example of providing secure transactions at low costs. Concentrate on the word ‘investment as it is why Bitcoin alone has generated 230 percent in annually earned returns over the past ten years!

Bitcoin is the real winner

It’s quite a bit more than FD returns of 5–6% per year. The cryptocurrency is a digital asset and does not possess its physical existence. It was introduced in 2009 through an unidentified person named Satoshi Nakamoto, who laid the way to the creation of Bitcoin. The fact is that all cryptocurrencies work following Blockchain Technology.

Blockchain is a chain of blocks that holds data inside it in plain English. In essence, it’s a database of leagues that stores transactions that are decentralized, distributed, immutable, and distributed regarding security. The trend of buying cryptocurrency is on the rise, where many people even search for Cryptocurrency trading on centralized exchanges. But, when we hear the word “trading,” one thing that pops up in our heads is the Stock Market.

Debate Show: Stocks Vs Cryptocurrencies

Stock Market — A sea of possibilities?

Stock Market does not mean that it is brand new within the sport, and it has been in existence since 1875, under an initial name: Native Share and Stock Broker’s Association. At present, India has more than 23 share markets across the nation, and the two most popular include BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange) and NSE (National Stock Exchange).

The two exchanges include the majority of companies that are listed. Reliance, Tata, Indigo, etc., are the firms that handle transactions worth millions of dollars every day. These are companies that handle transactions of millions every single day. SENSEX (BSE30) is an index of the stock market that tracks the performance of 30 large businesses listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange. The companies chosen are according to their trading volume, liquidity, and industry representation.

When we look at the 2022 financial year, more than 7,400 companies were listed on the National Stock Exchange (NSE) and that of the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) across India. Most of these companies were listed on BSE, and the remainder were listed on the NSE. However, there was an overall increase in number of businesses listed as compared to 2021.

What is the meaning behind the phrase Crypto trading?

The trading of cryptocurrency is the purchase and selling of digital currency through an exchange for trading. Like we buy shares of a company on the stock markets, cryptocurrency exchanges allow buying crypto coins. There are, however, numerous distinctions when discussing the two terms.

The significant difference between Stock Market & Cryptocurrency Market

A few of the critical distinctions among stock Markets as well as Cryptocurrency Exchange can be observed here:

  • Market Timings: One of the most crucial aspects is the timings. It allows you to pick the best time to trade and sell during that time. Stock Markets open from 9:15 to 3:00 PM Monday through Friday. The market is closed on weekends and during major celebrations. However, the demand for cryptocurrency does not sleep. It’s open 24/7, and it is possible to trade in the morning, in the late morning, afternoon, evening, or even in the late afternoon.
  • Trading Platforms: The cryptocurrency market is traded through decentralized as well as centralized exchanges. There is no restriction on which deal you select. This is a risk since your money is in the exchanges’ hands, and you don’t have control over them in full.
  • Circuit and Lower Circuit. Circuit and the Lower Circuit: Another obstacle comes from the network responsible for the values of the shares on the market. Every company’s claim has both an upper and lower that determines the value of the stake, and these are typically set at 15 percent of the available price. However, this isn’t the case with cryptocurrency. They can reach 200% in just a few hours and lose as much as up to 80% in one day.
  • Trading in Fractions: The advantages of cryptocurrencies over this. They can be purchased infractions, such as 0.00004 BTC or 0.009 ETH. This lets you put money into cryptocurrencies with considerable prices in the market. However, this isn’t the case for the demand for stocks.
  • Yield Farming: This lets you stake your cryptos in the liquidity pools to guarantee returns. This has a double advantage in that the value of your cryptocurrency increases while you earn interest from it. However, there are no kinds of concepts in the stock market that allow you to get better returns on your shares.
  • High return: When we talk about returns, they’re speculation in the stock and cryptocurrency markets. Certain stocks have risen to 10X within a year, and some cryptocurrencies have even increased to 100X in just a few months. This purely depends on the company/cryptocurrency and also on several factors.


The trading of cryptocurrencies comes with numerous advantages when over trading on the market for stocks. People are looking at speculation returns in the digital world, and the millennial generation is more interested in cryptocurrencies than the stock market today. But, this paradigm shift is hard to comprehend for those who have always observed the changes in the price of stocks.

Most Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Q1. What is the purpose of cryptocurrency trading?

Ans. The trading of cryptocurrency is the selling and buying the cryptocurrency’s underlying coins using an exchange. You may also use leverage to maximize the returns you earn by going either ‘long’ or short. However, your investment can be in danger if you choose to leverage it, which could mean losing all of your money.

Q2. Which is the most suitable cryptocurrency to invest in?

Ans. There is a myriad of cryptocurrencies that you can invest in at the moment. The return can vary based on many variables, while you can experience fluctuations within the marketplace. Therefore, we recommend you conduct your investigation (DYOR) before investing and only invest money you can risk.

