Ethereum Vs Solana: Which is a Better Platform for DAPPS

Ankit Gupta
BuyUcoin Talks
Published in
4 min readNov 12, 2022

Ethereum and Solana are the two most loved and preferred blockchains ever introduced. Here is a quick Beginners guide to creating Dapps on Ethereum vs. Solana.

Ethereum Vs Solana: Better Platform for DAPPS


The smart contracts were initially smart contracts that can be defined as programs that allowed developers to build dApps or decentralized applications without creating a blockchain network. Not just the smart contracts; however, it also gave rise to NFTs, non-fungible tokens, and DeFi, decentralized finance. After the introduction of these, the blockchain took over like no other.

There is no denying that, over the years, ETH or Ethereum has emerged as the most preferred blockchain, especially when it comes to building decentralized applications. However, issues such as scalability always exist. Today, in this article, we will make a quick comparison between Ethereum and Solana.

What are DApps or Decentralized Applications?

A Dapp, also known as a decentralized application, can be described as a software application that runs on a distributed chain of different networks. Unlike other mobile applications, A Dapp is not hosted or answerable to any centralized server. On the other hand, it is hosted on a decentralized peer-to-peer network. A decentralized application or dApp can only be built on smart contract networks.

It also means that blockchains, such as bitcoin, cannot use dApp. Bitcoin can only allow the sending of its native coin. Another benefit of DApp is that since the code is completely out there to run, also known as “open source,” it means it is open to anyone.

Ethereum Vs Solana — Which Is Better?

  1. Smart contract

The smart contract on Ethereum is written in solidity, whereas these are written in the Rust programming language on the Solana blockchain. These only support the program logic, whereas Ethereum’s smart contracts stand for both logic and data.

2. Scalability test

Solana has the capability to power up to 50,000 transactions per second, making it one of the fastest and most trusted networks ever evolved. On the other hand, Ethereum can only handle 15, which is disappointing. For any user, a slow network speed can lead to frustration and dissatisfaction; hence, it is a critical point to consider while making the final choice.

3. Transaction cost

When it comes to blockchain adoption, the cost involved in the transaction is almost like the deciding parameter. In Ethereum, you are required to pay the gas fee, which is generally as high as $20-$70 per transaction. However, Solana charges a gas fee of only $0.00025. Hence, it can be said that Solana is comparatively a better choice for DApp developers.

4. Compatibility

The next factor to keep in mind is compatibility, as it determines the future of the network. No matter how large or diverse the network is, it is nearly impossible to survive without compatibility. The network should offer an array of exciting features, including hot and cold wallets, token and NFT exchanges, and so on, to offer an end-to-end user experience. In this regard, Ethereum is still in the lead.

Create Dapps on Ethereum vs. Solana

Creating Dapps on Ethereum

Here is how you can create dApps on Ethereum:

  • The first step is to install the truffle framework.
  • Once it’s installed, generate boilerplate code.
  • The next step is to start the development environment.
  • Compile your solidity contracts in JSON artifacts.
  • At the truffle, the development command deploys the contracts.
  • Now, you can easily run the DApp in your browser. Note it still does not interact with Ethereum. To connect it with Ethereum, get the handle on the Web3 object and set the provider.
  • The DApp code needs the necessary modification.
  • Now, you can easily run a simple dApp.

Creating Dapps on Solana -

Here is how you can create dApps on Solana-

  • In the first step, you are required to gather all the necessary applications and examine the project scope.
  • For dApp, make sure you design and build a simple and excellent user interface.
  • Start developing the dApp smart contracts.
  • In the next step, start auditing Smart Contracts bypassing all the test cases.
  • Start coding all the necessary functionality of the dApp.
  • In this step, you will have to integrate Smart Contracts with the back-end and front-end systems.
  • To put the already developed applications to the test, use all the test cases.
  • Now, the applications which were developed are deployed to the Mainnet.

The Final Words

Hands down, Solana is a leading blockchain among the two; however, Ethereum is also an excellent competitor. Although the Ethereum developers have promised to release a better version, Solana has already made its place in millions of hearts and is now going to create dApps. So, what are you choosing; Solana or Ethereum? Whatever you choose, make sure you make wise decisions, or you can get in touch with BuyUcoin for expert advice.

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