A Letter to all Indian students!

Buzy Coders Camp
Published in
5 min readJun 3, 2019

Dear Indian Students,

In the 21st century, India is not deprived of opportunities.

India is deprived of the right kind of skill for the right kind of opportunity. It’s deprived of right kind of TALENTS.
If you’re in any college in India, you would be knowing this by now. If you’re not, you soon will.

It astonishes me, how some of the students waste around 4 years of their youth by not even learning ONE marketable skill.
Now, please don’t blame it on your college or the teachers you have got.

I am engineering students from 3rd tier college myself, I too was aiming for an IIT, NIT and BITS engineering seat as you would have but unfortunately couldn’t make it. I felt good when people around me abused the system about how unfair it is for a certain set of people, but the same people when given a choice enjoyed the same privileges by the same system. Hypocrisy at it’s best!

Once you realise you have to change your mindset to bring the change around you that’s when things start happening.

I am about to step into my 4th year of engineering soon, Meanwhile, I have built a developers community which has reached more than 500 engineering students from over 18 colleges from 4 districts of Karnataka. I also have a team of 5 people who work more than 8 hours a day on our upcoming product.
There was a time when my companies traction was over 3 Lakhs in 2 months when I was in my 3rd Year of engineering. That was more than the average annual (1 Year) packages by companies coming to my college.

It wasn’t as easy as it sounds. I literally worked my ass off to get there and I still feel I haven’t given my 100%.

I am sharing this story not to show off, I am sharing this story to make you realise 2 things:
1 Year of hard work and perseverance on ANY thing you strongly believe in can get you wherever you want to be in your life, if not at least closer to it. Just don’t give up!
Labels don’t define you, you define those Labels. IITs don’t define the students, the quality of students define IITs. Please read it once again to let it sink in.

There are a total of 10,396 engineering colleges in India and out of that 100 engineering colleges (Includes IITs, NITS, IIITs, IISER, IISc and BITS and etc) are the tier 1 colleges [1].
That leaves more than 10,000 tier 2 and tier 3 engineering colleges where lakhs and lakhs of students graduate every year. That is 99% of Engineering colleges in India. It has become like a chicken poultry farm.

How do you expect India to be GREAT, where more than 80% of graduates with a degree don’t even have even ONE employable skill?


That’s A LOT of people.
Should we give up on them and treat them as a 3rd world people and Tier 1 college students as 1st world people?
I am asking you this because that is what is happening. In India, you may be doing the same job, but an IIT or IIM graduate earn nearly double that of someone without that degree. [3]

I see this as a major problem India is facing today and I am trying to solve this with everything in my capacity.
The first step is to create a conducive environment for students to build and learn. Doesn’t matter what it is, they have to know how to use the technology and information they are learning.
The aim is to improve a student’s abilities to take risks. Only in that do we (I too) learn that the process is more important than the end result. In that way we learn what commitment is- to keep building your application despite setbacks, we learn what discipline is.

At “Buzy Coders Camp”, we reinforce in this time and again. Not surprisingly, we have received extremely positive feedback from the students, telling they enjoyed learning a new skill.

Our only USP: delivering quality and letting that reflect in the feedbacks we get

Many have got Internships, won Hackathons and made a positive impact during placement interviews with the applications they built with at Buzy Coders Camp.

The impact we leave on someone’s life is what keeps me going, it’s what keeps Buzy Coders Camp going; So come out let’s make an impact together. Let’s be the change we want to desperately see in the system.

Dear Friends,

Thanks for keeping up this blog until here. We are making a lateral shift now at “Buzy Coders Camp” and

I would need your help and support.

We are conducting our first Mega Event “Code Utsav 1.0” where we are helping Engineering Students to meet up with the Industry Standards with the help of Industry Experts from Microsoft, Flipkart, Google Experts, and also researchers from IITs and IISc.

It’s a 5 days event where we will be teaching on Product Development. We will be covering domains like Designing, Development (Android & Web) and how we can integrate Machine Learning with them.

Learn + Solve = Intern

Once you learn, you will have to solve challenges in the next 20 days to Intern at more than 20 startups and companies partnering with us.
It doesn’t matter what your college, age, sex, caste and past experience are, you will be solely be judged on the solution you give and the drive and passion you have to make a difference.

The event will be hosted in Bengaluru from 1st August 2019 to 5th August 2019.

No, It’s not free.

Because we have to pay for the venue, catering, speakers, logistics and people have been working tirelessly to make this happen so that

You get the opportunity you deserve.

But we are trying our best get sponsors that will help us reduce the ticket prices so that every student who is interested can afford to be part of this change. (To Sponsors: If you’re willing to sponsor us, please get in touch with us on below email.)

Help us by being part of this event and helping us reform our education system one step at a time.

Event Website: https://www.buzycoderscamp.com
Registration Form: https://www.buzycoderscamp.com/earlybird
Email: hello@buzycoderscamp.com

Thank You
Best Regards,

Sourab Kumar
Buzy Developers

Connect with me on:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sourab-k-a61623ba/

You can also read my blog on Why India is Jobless?

