Role of AI and Data Analysis in Quality Process | National Conference Panel Discussion

Sourab Kumar
Buzy Coders Camp
Published in
8 min readNov 4, 2018

I was invited to one of the national conference by one of the Assistant professor at T John group of institutions to be a panel member and speaker on “Role of AI and Data Analysis in Quality Process”. Here is a blog on my view on this topic.


I have always believed “quality” is a crucial part in any product you develop or service you provide. For an example, if a restaurant believes in delivering quality food and if it’s located in remotest part of the town, foodies will go there to taste that “quality”.

My journey as a student entrepreneur started with the same believe. If you happen to have an idea or business plan or just want to do something on your own, stick with me till the end of this blog. I have a mantra to share!

I will try to explain how AI can help a simple commoner like an ambitious “SHOP KEEPER”.

What is AI?

Artificial Intelligence — but what does that really mean? Artificial?? And Intelligence???
An intelligence which is not real? But what is Intelligence then? Here the intelligence can be anything which Humans can do with ease. Anything which doesn’t require external source to guide them to do certain task, just like humans. But the ultimate question is, is it really possible?
Here is the definition given by English Oxford Living Dictionary,

The theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.

Let’s try to understand the above definition on how we can actually make the computer think like a human! A simple example.

Me: How will we tell a computer if it’s an apple? We have to tell computer literally everything or else it will blame us tomorrow that we didn’t mention or talk about it. I know, it’s pretty dumb xD
Crowd: It’s RED in color and CIRCLE in shape.
Me: Great! Now what about this?

Crowd: It’s ORANGE in color and CIRCLE in shape.
Me: Fantastic! Now we have told the computer if a fruit is
RED in color and CIRCLE its an APPLE and if the fruit is ORANGE in color and CIRCLE its an ORANGE.
Now let’s see what our computer has to tell about these pictures which we are throwing it’s way.

Hmm…. what just happened? They are same APPLE and ORANGES! but it doesn’t recognize it!!
Computer is right, if it rejects both of the above picture and tells it doesn’t recognize it because we never spoke about BLACK & WHITE pictures!

It’s like teaching someone to cook RICE and expecting BIRYANI as a result. Computers don’t work that way.

The above scenarios arises while dealing with or creating AI, when we lack “DATA”. When we don’t have enough data to feed the computer to recognize each and every example, it won’t be able to.
We as a human can recognize a dog in what form it is, any breed, any color, any position it’s sitting in, any circumstances.
Same thing can be achieved for an AI model, by feeding in “Well structured DATA” and training the model.

Turing Test

“The Turing Test is often held up as a vital threshold AI must pass en route to true intelligence”

The ultimate test any AI model wants to clear is, the TURING TEST! Turing basically told that a machine can imitate humans or human intelligence, but always conflicted on the concept of “THINKING MACHINE”. In his paper, he explained this test as, an interviewer sitting in a room asking questions to Human — A and Machine — B without knowing which is which one, and when the interviewer listens to the answers cannot differentiate between the Human and the machine.
We have just touch the boundaries of this test, but haven’t completely cleared it yet.

How and where can a common man use AI to build or improve his quality of business?

“Without ML, couldn’t grow its business, improve its customer experience and selection, and optimize its logistic speed and quality.” — Amazon

But what exactly they meant by this statement?
Let us look at a simple example or a story and try to understand the context of the statement made by AMAZON.

Sunder is a common man who started a grocery store with some investment. He was an excellent person, he interacted great with his customers. He handled all the credit and debit really well and was able to make very good profit every month. Now, Sunder decided to scale his self-employment into 2 shops, he asked his brother to handle the second store. Now he had 2 shops and both happened to run well. After a year, he was able to open 5 such shops at different locations in the city. He had around 20 employees working under him. He used to manage by visiting each store for some time every day.

After couple of months, he sees a drop in the average profit he was making from each Store. He called all the managers from the store to find out what was the problem? According to manager, everything was fine.

what was the problem?

The question is little vague, it really doesn’t make much of a sense. Because sunder did monitor them every day. But what could go wrong?

But did I tell you, he visited these stores only for 2 hours in a day.

How can we solve his problem? If we don’t, he would probably will have to start shutting the stores eventually. It is a major problem.

It’s really difficult for a single person to monitor all the businesses going individually. So Sunder needs a smart management system. Which will give quality reports and statistics of this customers and the employees and the stock in the store.

If we could build a smart system for Sunder and help him fight this problem by giving him a predictive statistics based on the previous data we acquired and also an employee report system, which shows how much money he made per employee, also a statistic of the demographics of his customer from where are they coming, Based on the demographics and likes he can give customized offers to his customer to upscale his sales. Statistics such as what product is mostly sold during which season based on the past trends. All this can be achieved by using AI.

We can also build a real time model for sunder from where he can monitor all the store at a time and see the predictive sale which is probably going to happen, but if it doesn’t he can always go and check it out in first hand. Employee reports will help fire or warn the employee based on their performance and help him give his employee daily targets based on the predictive model and ask them to accomplish it.

This is just one small and simple example how AI can be used in enhancing your business process.

Another such example where a farmer in japan used machine learning to help him sort good and bad cucumbers. There so many such examples.

At Buzy Developers

We at Buzy Developers are trying to solve one of such problems in the consumer and producer industry. Our upcoming product is based on the principles of AI and Data Analysis. We clearly believe technology is here to empower us. We see immense potential in the field of AI and we are building things which will help mankind for greater good and profitability.

AI is going to steal our jobs and we will head towards DOOMS day

One of my enthusiastic panel member who is an architect made this statement.
I shared a very different view on this subject. Here is my view which is more political:

AI is not here to bring “Dooms Day”. People are feeling threatened currently of it, mostly because of the Education System (at least in India) where they have made the students efficient in memorizing things and presenting it well in the papers and guess what?
Computers can do this in much more efficient way. Why do you want to employ people when a computer can do this better? I wouldn’t.
There is a lot more things which AI can’t do.
In future, the nature of jobs will change, people with ideas and creativity (in any field) will be employed and not human robots.

The Mantra

Ideas are not fictional, ideas are not something you see in a dream or in a sci-fi movie.

Idea is a solution to a real life and real world problem!

An entrepreneur looks at solving that problem and in the journey of solving that problem, many other problems to make the solution to the problem a living reality. To make the solution to the problem more accessible, more affordable, more user friendly.

Success is just a byproduct of this pursuit to solving series of problem to make the idea a living reality.

Some pictures from the conference:

Thank you for reading. Please share your views below, would love to know your perception on this topic too.

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