Bill Ford Follows Henry With New Electric Cars

2019 Ford Ranger

It’s nice to see that Ford are making such a big commitment to electric cars. and it is not the first time they were willing to make such a commitment. Bill is following in the footsteps of Henry, who was friends with Thomas Edison, and tried to make a car back in the day.

As early as 1913 Ford had built an experimental electric car, and Edison had been hard at work on getting the battery to operate properly.

Edison built a battery-powered front-wheel-drive electric in 1895, so he had some experience in the field, and wasn’t known as The Wizard of Menlo Park for nothing.

Now Ford is intending to have 40 vehicles that are a mixture of hybrid and fully electric by 2022 — with the break down being 16 full electric and 24 plug-in hybrids.

It definitely signals yet another change in the automotive industry, which seemed a lot different when Musk first tried to launch his Tesla brand — but when you get enough people interested in spending money on something industry is going to follow.

Ford’s investment of $1.5 million in the research and his willingness to apparently buy 100,000 batteries from Edison eventually went nowhere, but here we are — good ideas stick, and it’s nice that Ford are in there swinging for it.

The more we see of this — that companies are listening to what their customers want — the more we are going to see happy customers, but I truly think we are going to see better products as well.



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