
The Buzzazz Hive


by Paul Grimsley

What is it that marks out the average sportsman from the superstar? What is it that makes you sit up and listen when one entrepreneur speaks as opposed to the ones you tune out from? Why are some writers more compelling? Those relatives that you looked up to and wanted to emulate — what was it about them that made them shine?


You can tell when someone is phoning in a performance. If something smacks of laziness you want to yawn because that’s the way it’s being communicated. Who wants that? Who wants to invest time in a snoozefest? If someone does be wary of them, because they’ll drag you into that same sleepy way of thinking and acting.

Some people’s passion derives from the fact that they have to fight for what they have, or have fought in the past to be where they are. When you reach a certain point something changes about that drive — what causes that passion to manifest?

You may have hit a certain level and started to put out a certain quality of product, or set a high bar with the degree of excellence in your delivery of a service. If you truly believe in what you are doing then the passion that burns inside you for it will be evident in the way you think about it, and the way you communicate about it, and the way in which you deliver it. You won’t even have to tell people that you are passionate about it because that will be something that see in you and remark of you.

We are passionate about what we do with Buzzazz, and the Buzzazz Hive, our digital magazine is something that communicates our passion about various subjects, and the solutions that we see out there in the world. Ingenuity and creativity are inspirational, and if you seek out people who make that and the celebration of that kind of mindset into their lives, you will feel your own passion rise. It can be infectious, and it is a much better way to live than sleepwalking through life, solving nothing and creating nothing.

Be creative. Solve problems. Plug into The Hive.

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