Why Is Good News So Hard To Find?

Paul Grimsley
Buzzazz Business Solutions Magazine
2 min readJul 23, 2018

It really seems strange to me that finding good news on the internet through a search engine is like trying to find hen’s teeth. It should not be this hard to find something that is uplifting in the news.

Is it a weird concept now that there are good things happening in the world and that people want to know about them? If that truly is the case then that is more than a little sad.

Just imagine if you had a business and the only information that you shared about it was negative — it wouldn’t last too long. Why do we expect things to improve and to change when all we do is focus on the negative aspects of them?

I have seen people share flowers and cats and babies to break up the monotony of bad and awful news, and I really don’t think that it represents an unwillingness to be informed about things — it just means that people want to know what they might do to help in a situation.

Clicktivism is something even I myself have lambasted, but if you look at what it represents, it is someone saying that they want to feel that they at least contributed to a positive motion that may have helped people. Surely, even if it is a shallow interaction it is something that speaks of something beyond apathy.

Why would anyone ever complain about a young person being out on the street and exercising their right to protest? Isn’t that representative of political engagement — something Millennials are often accused of lacking? You can’t have it both ways. People get involved by degrees, and you have to celebrate any kind of engagement.

I will shared good news. Bad news I don’t want to have too much to do with spreading it, unless there is answer to the issue contained within the article. Even a grounded opinion that offers a path towards action of some kind can be worthwhile.

