What are the Pros and Cons of User-generated Content?

Buzz Blog Box
Gust Posting in Buzz Blog Box
4 min readFeb 12, 2020

User-generated contents (UGC) are rapidly growing across the online platforms allowing the users to share the content as per their ease and accessibility.

From social media to online video streaming services, you can see the millions of content uploaded every minute also allowing the business owners to promote their business online and improve their brand image.

Though user-generated content has its own advantages and disadvantages but it can depend on what types of industry you operate and how much you have control on such UGC.

As it can affect your company’s brand image and influence the other potential customers for choosing your product or services while considering such contents and opinions.

If there is any bad content you need to moderate before make it visible live on such platforms. So, before you allow or restrict such contents, you need to understand the pros and cons of user-generated contents and decide how to utilize such contents strategically.

Save Time and Money of Owners

Creating the new contents not only a challenging task but it needs time and lots of efforts to create such content and also involve cost of money. Actually, UGC allows outsourcing various content creations to users that also saves time and money for your business. This helps to minimize the cost of online campaigns or brand promotions by companies.

Improve the Customer Engagement

UGC allows online users to write comments on your post or give feedbacks in other way like sharing images or videos that keeps them engaged on your post or social media account.

If you react on any user-generated content, an individual take it as privileges keeps engaged by posting other comments or images to stay in the limelight and use your official social account to promote his individual personality or the official account it is using.

Simpler and Self-regulating

The contents submitted by the users are much simpler than website owners. Actually, the contents written by you can be more customized and biased while users can submit such in a simpler way, or you can say it is self-regulating. However, with the help of content moderation services such contents can be moderated in favor of your company.

Negative Contents

The most undesirable thing of user generated content is such users are free to post any type of content, so in case of bad experience with your company or product they can post negative contents that can affect the brand image or reputation of the company. However, you can control such negative feedbacks or correct them with positive notes.

Also Read: What are best Open Source Tools for Moderating UGC?

Need Regular Monitoring

Another drawback of UGC is that you need to monitor such bad contents regularly before it impacts the brand image of your company. Actually, such online platforms like social media and forums allow users to submit and upload whatever types of content they want.

So, you need to keep an eye on such activities and control them to avoid any harm. Content moderation is the technique that helps to stop the spam contents and help you maintain the reputation of your company at the same time keep engaging such users.

Biased and Motivating

Owing to no barrier of posting such user generated contents users can also easily post the totally biased contents that can influence other people engaged with that particular post.

Political issues and other social topics can be targeted by users where they can post completely biased comments and encourage others to react in the same manner. So, controlling such contents is also difficult if you don’t have accessibility options or content moderators to moderate such contents and stop their impacts.

Cogito is the company providing spam content detection services to control bad contents and help business owners to maintain their brand image and reputation in the market. It has expert content moderators to keep monitoring the contents and moderate them before other viewers can watch this. The content moderation service offered by Cogito is available for all social media channels and popular forums or feedback sites at reasonable pricing.



Buzz Blog Box
Gust Posting in Buzz Blog Box

Buzz Blog Box provide one-stop online guest blogging solution for various types of technical or non-technical issues into real life. https://www.buzzblogbox.com