Build a Bee Friendly Backyard

Learn about the state of bees on this planet and some great tips on how to build a bee friendly backyard to help bring their species back from decline!

Cristal Durrwachter
4 min readApr 12, 2018


Just a few of the over 21,000 varieties of bee

It’s well established that the bee population has declined dramatically in the last few years. There are many potential factors in this decline, including pesticides, climate change, stress, mites, and EMF signals from modern technology. This news is completely true, but is one sided. The focus is on the honey bee, but what about native bees? They also are in dire straits, however you can help. By following these steps you can nurture happy, healthy bees.

With over 21,000 varieties of bees, there only seven distinct species of honey bee with a total of 44 sub-species. The rest are much easier to care for, and would love to visit your backyard.

Studies show that when a bumble bee “buzz” pollinates a tomato plant, its’ fruit will be larger. But, bumble bees do not make or eat honey! They eat pollen. In fact, honey bees are a small percentage of all of the bee species. So, how do you promote happy bees in your backyard? Good news! They are very low maintenance.

Ideal Habitat for Healthy Bees

Not all bees live in a central hive, generally this is a trait of the European Honey Bee, which is what most people think of. Native bees live in wood piles, under rocks, and other undisturbed areas. If you want to create a bee friendly area, leave an area of your garden or yard undisturbed, with a pile of sticks and other lightly packed debris.

You can also offer a bee hotel, with holes or sticks for the bee to burrow into. And make sure they have a source of fresh shallow water. Just a dish with a rock in it will do (incase somebody went swimming).

What do Bees Eat?

When choosing flowers there are two characteristics to look for. Make sure to choose a variety of flowers or flowering plants to always have something in bloom. And most bees cannot “buzz” the way a bumble bee can, shaking pollen out of tight spaces. So, open face flowers are preferred such as daisy and sunflower.

Photo credit: Viktor Hanacek

If you are able to plant the flowers near a windbreak, this will make it easier for the bees to play.

Pesticides and herbicides weaken and kill bees. Look for alternative methods to tackle your garden problems.

So what about those big veggies? Bees love all sorts of herbs and veggies. Could you plant an herb garden? Oregano, thyme, rosemary, and mint are just a few of the herbs that are very hardy. You’re going to have a hard time finding a vegetable or fruit that bees don’t appreciate. Some suggestions are squash (talk about easy pollen to get to!), beans, peas, cucumbers, and of course tomatoes.

Niteangel Bee Hotel

Habitat — an undisturbed area or Bee Hotel

Food — a variety of open faced flowering plants

Water — a shallow dish with a way for a swimming bee to climb out

Try This:

Identify how many bee species are in your area. Take photos of them then research their favorite foods and habitat.

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