Simplest game tips and techniques to check if you are in love or not !

Varun Chopra
Published in
4 min readApr 6, 2017

Time has changed and so does marriage styles, ceremonies and rituals!

Centuries back, there used to be marriage ceremonies in Greece where the to-be-bride and groom had to look into each other’s eyes and envision each other as the priests describes the most beautiful time and commentates them historical love stories, memories, their roles as a partner and the journey together as a soulmate.

The commentary lasts for around 10 minutes and they both were left alone in the room to stare at each other for the whole time. No sound, cheering, guests, parties, ring exchange, sweet exchange or any kind of chaos. Only the two of them left alone to look at each other and they are married.

Eyes are the way to your heart and soul and the meaning has lost the importance somehow.

If you have not felt that with your partner, definitely you are not in love. It’s warped love, can last your life but won’t satisfy your soul from inside. It’s not that people in love don’t fight or its cheesy-peesy all the time. But, they feel magical. It’s massive. It’s dopamine on steroids. It’s a flood of serotin that gives you that happy high of the first beer. It’s better than the first drag of cigarette. You can feel it right when you look into the eyes.

CLAIMER: It also works if you want to make the person fall for you. Yes, sometimes.

Here are some of the tips to start a staring game with your partner to check if you have that magic or not. Best part of the game. You will get to know the results automatically.

Don’t rush it, don’t be too desperate for the answers.

Play it wise and slow. It works.

TIP: 1

Keep a smile on your face!

TIP 2: Not a fake one.

TIP 3: Not a toothpaste-ad

TIP 4: Don’t come too close

TIP 5: Little lusty to spice it up.

TIP 6: Don’t fall over like you are about to kiss.

TIP 7: Also don’t kiss, Save it for some other day.

TIP 8: Avoid looking up, keep your mouth closed.

TIP 10: Anyone can play the game, just don’t wear googles.

TIP 11: Keep staring, change your expressions. Will generate different moods.

TIP 12: Don’t be too stiff or shocked!

If you are staring properly.

There is no tip 9,

It will all be fine.


Forget not to message about what happened and how did you feel, it worked or it did’nt.

Happy staring! Hope you find your love.

Don’t take your eyes off it.

