5 things I have learnt this week — week 50

Enric Durany
Published in
3 min readDec 17, 2017

This article was first published at http://www.enricdurany.com

One of the ways I am embracing the “Be 1% better every day” philosophy is by sharing a weekly curated list of the best articles I have read in the last 7 days.

The motivation behind it is twofold. On the one hand, it helps me reflect on the new ideas I am exposed to. On the other, it helps reward all these authors that take some time to share their learnings with the world, making it a better place for everyone.

Do you want to receive this curated list to your email every week? Click here

Useful Mental Models for Product Managers

Source: https://hackernoon.com/5-mental-models-that-help-product-managers-acquire-and-retain-users-ef00e6f3d8a6
Topic: Product Management
Reading time: 12 min

Mental models are conceptualizations that help us explain things. There are a vast number of mental models, and every discipline has their own set that one can learn. In this article, Hiten compiles five useful mental models to use when incepting products from scratch or fine tuning existing ones.

Toolset Compilation for Crypto Traders

Source: https://medium.com/@ImagineTraffic/27-amazing-resources-for-bitcoin-and-cryptocurrency-traders-911a7e92d918
Topic: Bitcoin / Crypto / Investing
Reading time: 6 min

A useful compilation of tools for crypto (and also retail) trading. From the basics of technical analysis to daily-use trading tools as well as research websites to discover new investment opportunities beyond Bitcoin.

Analysis of the Impact of Futures on Bitcoin

Source: https://medium.com/swlh/will-the-futures-market-do-to-bitcoin-what-it-did-to-gold-b7d35704641
Topic: Bitcoin / Crypto / Investing
Reading time: 8 min

Bitcoin futures have just launched this December (more info on Bitcoin Futures here). And it’s reasonable to think that Ethereum and other crypto futures will follow. With Futures, a new wave of institutional money will likely flow into this new asset class. To asses the impact that futures will have on Bitcoin, this articles reviews the historical effect that futures had on other rare assets classes that also had to be mined: gold and silver.

Shifting To Subscription-based Business Models

Source: https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/high-tech/our-insights/subscription-myth-busters
Topic: Digital Strategy
Reading time: 15 min

Subscription-based business models are a great way to both enhance customer lifetime value and tap into new customer segments. But shifting from an up-front to a recurring-revenue model represents a challenge for existing high-tech vendors. This article explores five of the most critical aspects of this transition and the existing myths around them.

Streamlining the Efficiency of Online Learning

Source: https://conversionxl.com/blog/online-learning/
Topic: Trends / Learning
Reading time: ~10'

Learning online is probably the new standard for learning. But doing so, and doing it quickly, posts a number of challenges both to one’s long and short-term memory as well as to the traditional cognitive psychology of how people learn. The article explores these challenges and reviews a number of best-practices that can help tackling them.

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Enric Durany

Product at Google. Based in Zürich. Entrepreneur, previously co-founder @Vinarea. Writer @Hackernoon. Love building new products. Opinions are my own.