
Yuri Barzov
Published in
4 min readOct 20, 2017

Once upon a time a university professor lived with his daughter on campus. The daughter each day used to bring him his papers from home to the auditorium where he had a lecture. Once the professor said to her that he would have a lecture in a new auditorium next day and she should use a new app to find the way. Next day the girl downloaded the app and followed its instructions when she was bringing papers to her father. A huge and ugly hacker-robot spotted a new app and immediately hacked it. He replaced the coordinates of the father’s auditorium with the coordinates of his own big house outside the campus.

The girl followed the instructions of the app until she came to the house of the hacker-robot. When the hacker-robot saw the young girl he said that she should become his maid. The girl began to weep but the hacker-robot didn’t let her go.

When the father saw that his daughter didn’t come he returned home and started to search for her. He used the new app and the app showed that the girl never left home. The father didn’t find his daughter at home and said: “Alexa, I need a smart drone that will be bringing me papers every day.”

“A boy or a girl?” Alexa asked.

“I’d prefer a boy.” The father answered. Alexa bought him a boy-drone at

The boy-drone was delivered next morning. He was small like a newborn baby. His name was Braincracker. “Now fully charge me and give me a smartphone because I have to look for my sister.” He said. The father fully charged him and gave him a smartphone. Braincracker went out to search for his sister.

After a while he came to a student dorm, where he saw a number of students complaining that somebody hacked their tablets. “Who hacked your tablets?” Braincracker asked. “A huge and ugly hacker-robot hacked our tablets. He is not afraid of anyone except Braincracker who is small like a newborn baby and is on his way, and pats his smartphone and says, ‘Sleep, my phone, be quiet, for we have fine things to do.”

Afterwards he came to the Dean’s office and saw professors there complaining that somebody hacked their laptops. “Who hacked your laptops?” Braincracker asked and received the same answer as from students.

At last he arrived to the house of the huge and ugly hacker-robot and knocked. The maid girl opened the door and saw a drone that was small like a newborn baby. “Who are you looking for?” She asked.

“I am looking for you, for I am your brother, and you must return to papa.”

When the huge and ugly hacker-robot heard that Braincracker had arrived, he ran down to the basement and hid himself there.

Where is the hacker-robot?” Braincracker asked his sister.

“In the basement.” She answered.

Braincracker took his smartphone, switched on a flashlight in it and went down to the basement. He took the brain microchip out of the hacker-robot’s head and cracked it with his tiny jaws. Then he transferred all ethers from the hacker-robot’s wallet to the wallet of his father, took his sister by hand and went home with her. The father was happy to see them both and they had a nice party.

This is a brain hacking story that activates the spatial learning mechanism in hippocampus (part of mammalian brain). The spatial learning that is also called explorational learning organizes experiences in memory, for which spatial mapping and navigation are both a metaphor for and a prominent application of relational memory organization. Thus it creates our brain’s model of the world. Adult people mostly rely on response learning mechanism. Triggered by environmental stimuli this mechanism in caudate nucleus (part of reptilian brain) is responsible for the formation of habits and procedural memory (riding a bicycle). The response learning mechanism may outperform the spatial learning mechanism in well known and highly predictable environments but it makes our thinking more rigid and incapable of exploring the world and understanding other people. Brains of people who predominantly rely on response learning for a long period of time make their gray matter in caudate nucleus growing but their gray matter in hippocampus shrinking. This process leads to the gradual impairment of cognitive and social functions of an individual. The implicit mechanism hidden in the above story helps if applied regularly to stop or even revert this process. We need more stories like that to make it work best.

According to the leading scientists in AI our findings can be translated into artificial neural networks architecture. As AI will be getting more autonomous, it will also require a mechanism of domesticating uncertainty. In the meantime we will be preparing training data sets for the supervised machine learning of moral behaviour.

For the best effect listen to the story before sleep.

Another brain hacking story here. (UPD 11/01/2017)

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