BuzzShow Network-ODMedia collaborates to launch Video NFTs Marketplace

BuzzShow Blog
Published in
3 min readOct 12, 2021

BuzzShow Network is excited to announce its collaboration with ODMedia group for creating and launching a fully integrated Video NFT Marketplace.

BuzzShow Network is a decentralized blockchain-based video social media platform, in an advanced stage of development and testing to launch an exceptional unique system dedicated to video NFTs totally integrated into the BuzzShow Network core platform. This step is the natural next step on the BuzzShow vision aiming to revolutionize video social media networks by creating high economic value by rewarding video viewers, creators, curators and authorizing their data.

ODMedia is one of the major class A hubs of digital media services worldwide. This media processing outfit has made its name in extraordinary content promotion and monetization services. ODMedia serves as an aggregator for the major platforms. It provides high-end digital-rights management, monetization, target audience development, and cross-promotion services.

ODMedia is the strategic content partner for BuzzShow Network, the unique blockchain-based decentralized video social media platform. The partnership ventures on the basis of video creation for an NFTs marketplace. The BuzzShow Network through its decentralized blockchain platform will provide ODMedia clientele with a video NFTs system.

BuzzShow Network welcomed the collaboration and considered it a big step forward. The CEO Offer Kohen added,

“BuzzShow Network’s aim has always been to facilitate an easy-to-use, complete, and fair system that rewards creators and curators as a pioneer in the field of full-cycle reward-based video platforms. ODMedia’s global reach and extensive experience with content rights is the ideal partner who helps to make the BuzzShow NFT marketplace a success.”

The CEO of ODMedia, Sjef Pijnenburg called the BuzzShow-ODMedia partnership a breakthrough in the digital media marketplace. He says,

“As we maintain our position at the forefront of the global digital media and entertainment marketplace, partnering with BuzzShow Network is a step forward to create a Video NFT marketplace. Our clients may be able to tap into a new stream of revenue and user engagement as a result of this.”

The NFTs (Non-fungible tokens) are crypto tokens that are encoded using blockchain technology. These unique tokens can be portrayed by anything digital — be it art, music, in-game items, or videos. Unlike the conventional cryptocurrency, NFTs cannot be replaced with something else. So it’s a one-of-its-kind trading card. NFTs are deemed as the future of content monetization.

The BuzzShow Network — ODMedia integration will be a potential one-stop shop for content creators who want to monetize their content. This collaboration opens doors for content creators, video animators, and character rights holders to sell, rent or license their content.

The users of BuzzShow Network can earn Goldies (GLDY), the platform’s native utility tokens, by creating, curating, sharing, viewing, and streaming video content using peer-to-peer decentralization and a social media experience. Users retain full privacy, ownership, and control over their video material within the social media environment.

Together we hope to see the rise of the NFT marketplace!|

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Developed reward based social media video network rewarding users with BuzzShow Tokens for creating, curating, sharing & viewing videos.