Transcript of GLDY Ask-Me-Anything (AMA) Session with the CoinTiger Community

Babatunde Osho
BuzzShow Blog
Published in
5 min readApr 11, 2020
Credits: CoinTiger

Jay Van Den Berg, the Head of Business Development and Sales at BuzzShow was interviewed by the CoinTiger Exchange community. Here is a transcript of the chat which held in CoinTiger’s English Telegram group.

CoinTiger Community Manager (CCM): What makes Buzzshow different from the global social media platforms around today (YouTube, Facebook etc.)?

Jay Van Den Berg (Jay): Buzzshow is a non-profit foundation and is all about sharing revenue equally amongst those who contribute to the success of our platform. This means people who create content, people who curate cool content in playlists for others to watch, people who share videos and even all the people who simply watch videos. This is very different from the legacy platforms, who may have started as projects by idealists but which have today become corporates with little respect for user privacy and with their primary focus on corporate profits, shortchanging creators and users without whom these platforms would not exist.

CCM: What sources of revenue are you developing to be able to sustain the platform long term?

Jay: There are 3 sources of revenue that we are developing: 1) Native Advertising or Influencer Marketing 2) Subscription-based ad-free premium content 3) In-App / On-Platform purchases. There will be other sources of revenue as well but these are the ones we have started developing today.

CCM: How did you manage to get these big names in Premium Content as a new platform?

Jay: Premium Content Owners are always on the lookout for new ways to reach a wider audience. Their interest in Buzzshow is primarily based on their analysis showing that the viewers are actively looking for sharing based platforms rather than centralised corporate profits.

CCM: Interesting! Can you give us any statistics on user growth, differentiating regular users and influencers?

Jay: We have always enjoyed a steady growth of our User Base since our start in 2018 but since the launch of V2.0 in February this year, our userbase is doubling every two months! We will be issuing a Press Release in a few days with more details so watch this space cause I don’t want to spoil the surprise :)

CCM: Looking forward to that (smiling). It’s not easy to get Influencers on board, why are so many joining Buzzshow?

Jay: Just like regular viewers, influencers have been looking for a platform that shares revenue in a fair way. On top of that, we have been developing a unique digital marketplace specially created for Influencers and their advertisers that makes it much easier to manage their campaigns and their artwork delivery workflow. Lastly, we know that our Referral Campaign which rewards people for bringing in new users is rapidly catching on amongst influencers too and this makes sense of course because influencers can reel in lots and lots of bounty once they get their fanbase to sign on as well.

CCM: What can you tell us about future development projects within Buzzshow?

Jay: First of all, we have to admit that there are still a few teething problems on the platform here and there. This will likely keep us busy for another couple of weeks and your feedback is instrumental for us here. You will find that if you report an issue, preferably with a screenshot, that it will be fixed very soon after because we work in one-week development sprints with at least one new release per week. But looking at the midterm, the most exciting and challenging project for us is to develop our decentralised Peer-to-Peer hosting and streaming. We have already taken the first steps there, so it will not be too far down the road before you will see our first trials in this area.

CCM: Thank you mate for the info.

Jay also answered questions from members of the CoinTiger community:

Nasir Khan: I am a developer and I would like to help develop Buzzshow. Is this possible?

Jay: This is certainly possible, provided of course that your skill set fits with our architecture and current projects. The best thing to do is to send your CV, with practical examples of the type of work you have done before and what you like doing best, to

Jasmine_ 00: Why did you float at 0.01 USD when the price for a GLDY on your platform is 0.50 USD?

Jay: Launching our GLDY token on our very first exchange required a big promotion to generate a lot of interest from the trading community, essentially because it is in the interest of everyone holding GLDY tokens that the exchange rate goes up. We felt that the best way to do this was to make small, promotional quantities of GLDY available at 1 USD cent and then again at 5 USD cent and so on until we reach our minimum platform rate of 0.50 USD. This way, the early investor on CointTiger could have a great ride up. It took a few days for the community to realise this but as you can see we managed to constantly increase the exchange rate, even in a very bearish market.

Micky: When do you think your exchange rate will hit the 0.50 USD mark, same as the price on your platform?

Jay: We are currently receiving significant demand for our tokens from formal investors, which is always a good sign and usually precedes a period of strong buying pressure. I don’t have a glass ball and I can’t predict the future but based on the facts that 1) we have a finite number of tokens that can ever be created of 150M 2) there is a distinct bullish sentiment among the people holding our token today and 3) formal investors are seriously looking at buying a significant number of tokens, my advice would be to jump in sooner rather than later.

Mst Shemu7: Can I upload my video on Buzzshow platform?

Jay: Not yet. As per my answer to the question about Future Development Projects, this is a key focus for us, but we want to do this the right way and that means decentralised. This poses some challenges. However, we have already made our first tracks in this area and I am confident it will not take very long before our first trials.

CREATOR: What is the ROLE of GLDY in the whole ecosystem of BuzzShow, what is the importance to BuzzShow?

Jay: The listed GLDY token is exactly 1.000 Goldies on the platform, which is what we use for any transaction within the platform. We have done this to make it easier to deal with small amounts within the platform that do not require validation on the blockchain.

CCM: Thank you for your time, Jay. Is there any other thing you would like to share?

Jay: Yes, I would like to invite everyone to the Buzzshow Telegram group, especially because the pinned message there will help you with the answers to your questions. Good luck guys and stay healthy!!

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