Update on Open Beta Release and Announcement of Crypto Exchange Agreements.

Babatunde Osho
BuzzShow Blog
Published in
3 min readDec 31, 2018

Open Beta Release Update

In line with the team’s promise to do so in the 4th quarter of 2018, BuzzShow’s Open Beta release has been fully deployed today (31st December 2018), including databases, contracts on MainNet, all backend agents and more. The technical team is now in the final testing and cleaning up stage before opening the platform to the public on the new URL www.buzzshow.com, which is currently still the home of the Token Purchase pages. This final stage is expected to take a few days and the team will keep the BuzzShow community posted.

Exchange Listing Update

With Beta deployed, BuzzShow will now be listing its GLDY utility tokens, which are at the core of platform’s economics, enabling the fair reward for creation, curation and even viewing of video contents. We are happy to announce that agreements have been signed and listing is in progress on the following leading exchanges:

* Source: CoinMarketCap 31/12/2018

Unlike the vast majority of blockchain start-ups, BuzzShow has launched its fully-developed Beta-stage platform prior to listing. CEO Offer Kohen says: “Not all that glitters is gold and this is especially true in the world of blockchain tokens. In order to demonstrate that our project is real and delivering on its technical milestone planning, we have decided to list our GLDY token after reaching the Beta stage. We aim to announce a listing date by Q1 2019, but in order to protect our GLDY token holders, we will only float the GLDY provided that market conditions and sentiments will support the expectation of a stable rate.”

Early Adopter Bonus

A 25% Early Adopter Bonus will be available for GLDY Token buyers on the BuzzShow platform during the period running up to the first listing date as part of our ongoing token sale.

BuzzShow Token Sale Details:

GLDY absolute maximum* tokens available: 150 Mln

GLDY tokens available for public sale: 92 Mln

Token Gross Price per GLDY: $ 0.50

Early Adopter Bonus (valid until first listing): 25 %

Early Adopter Token Net Price per GLDY: $ 0.40

BuzzShow GLDY Buy Page: www.buzzshow.com

* Similar to BitCoin, GLDY are bound to an absolute maximum quantity

Outlook for the incoming year 2019

After reaching our two top priorities of Open Beta release and Trading on the aforementioned exchanges, the team will be gearing towards growing the platform’s user base. It will do so by deploying several marketing strategies aimed to attract high-level content creators and influencers as well as launching the first Influencer Campaigns bringing both viewers and creators to the platform to grow BuzzShow’s footprint. More exciting news in this area will follow soon.

Following our roadmap, we will also be looking to increase BuzzShow’s library of Premium Content in order to gain critical mass for launching the first Premium User Subscription, which is a key component of BuzzShow’s full cycle economy.

Our appreciation

As a team, we wish to express sincere gratitude to our community for the support received in the outgoing year 2018. Through thick and thin, we have all remained focused as we pushed towards our ambitious goal to bring about the much-needed change in Social Media. We are looking forward to your continued support and constructive feedback as we advance in 2019. Happy holidays!

About BuzzShow:

BuzzShow aims to become the first decentralized video-centric social media platform, rewarding all those who contribute to the platform using its blockchain based utility tokens called Goldies (GLDY). On BuzzShow, not only the Content Creators receive better value for their efforts but also those who share videos and even those who simply watch videos. The main purpose of BuzzShow is to build a decentralized social media ecosystem that generously rewards all contributors, without the negatives associated with legacy, central control social media platforms such as; lack of equitable revenue sharing, biased regulations and abuse of user data/infringements of privacy.

Contact links:

For inquiries about Volume Token Package discounts: tokenpurchase@buzzshow.com

For media packages and interview requests: media@buzzshow.com

