Introducing ‘list’ and ‘grid’ views of Buzzy app data and results

Displaying your app data or results lists just got a whole lot simpler — and better

Dave Tanner
3 min readMar 16, 2018


Buzzy microapps are great at capturing data, and you may have noticed we’ve recently cleaned up the UI of the results views. The default summary table is now much more compact, truncating the information on each row down to a single-line ‘summary’ view. This is great for apps which generate large amounts of data, such as field reports or store visits by sales reps, or even sporting club or event registrations captured by a registration form.

The new and compact summary table view — remember you can hide columns by setting that field to ‘Collapsed’ in the microapp ‘Properties’ modal.

Sometimes however, your app may not involve capturing masses of data — you may simply need quick and easy access to a small set of clearly visible results. Or your app may be more about disseminating information to your audience rather than capturing data from them. Enter our new ‘Simple list’ and ‘Simple grid’ results views.

The simple list view

The ‘Simple list’ view works by automatically scanning your microapp fields for the first available image and the first available text field, and rendering your results in a simple clickable list. If no image is found, the image thumbnail is omitted from the list item.

Image thumbnail (if available), title, submitter and date — all wrapped up in a simple clickable list item. Simple.

The simple grid view

Need something even simpler and more clickable than the simple list? The ‘Simple grid’ view creates large ‘card’ items out of your content/data and renders them in a simple, clean grid layout. It works the same way as the ‘Simple list’, except an image placeholder is displayed for consistency even if the content contains no images. This view is great for content that needs to stand out, especially where the image may be important.

Large image and title in a ‘card’ UI. Even simpler.

Using these new view types

To use these new views, make sure your microapp contains at least one text field (and preferably an image field), and select the view type from the ‘Results’ tab in your microapp settings.

But wait, there’s even more!

What if your Buzzy microapp was all about sharing ‘external’ content with your audience — for instance, a ‘help’ or training section consisting purely of documents, videos, and links? Or a curated ‘news’ feed?

Introducing our brand new ‘Embedded link’ field type and the ‘Embedded link grid’ results view! Simply provide the link to the web article, document, tweet, instagram post or video, and the images, titles, and summaries are displayed automatically; document previews are generated; and videos are available directly in Buzzy.

Interested? It’s available now! Check out our launch announcement and demo article.

Display all manner of external content simply and cleanly, merely by providing the link.

Thanks for reading! For more information on Buzzy, jump over to our website or get in touch with any questions, feedback or suggestions! Check out our forum at to see Buzzy tips, announcements and new features.

