Aptos Foundation releases core delegation pool functionality through the release of AIP-6 developed by the team at Bware Labs.

Bware Labs
Published in
1 min readApr 20, 2023
Aptos AIP-6

About Aptos

As a L1 blockchain aiming to be one of the safest and most scalable blockchains in the Web3 space. Aptos’ main principles revolve around scalability, safety, reliability and upgradability. Developed by former Meta engineers, Aptos relies on the capabilities of Move, a Rust-based programming language designed to provide higher security and flexibility for developers.


The security and decentralization of L1 protocols is generally tied to the number of validators participating in the network. The more validators are able to join, the higher the blockchain’s degree of decentralization.

A delegation pool is an extension of the existing staking protocol on Aptos. Its main function is to enable multiple parties to contribute to the minimum stake required by delegating stake to a trusted validator. The validator can then enter the active set and start validating blocks once the delegation pool reaches the minimum stake required to run a validator.

Read the full article on the Bware Labs blog.



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