Bware Labs — April Update

Anca Chirila
Bware Labs
Published in
2 min readMay 4, 2022

April marked the first month of existence for Blast, the product we’ve been designing and building since the inception of Bware Labs.

Safe to say, we spent a lot of time analyzing what went well and what we want to improve. So, aside from the next milestones regarding the testnet and third party node onboarding, we’ve adjusted to include some new features we think will be very useful for the developer communities across our supported chains (and new chains to come!). Stay tuned for new exciting announcements very soon.

Another very important update on the API provider side: and all endpoints generated from there will be decommissioned starting May 15th, so make sure you migrated your applications to use Blast endpoints by then!

As far as achievements for this month, we are now track leaders for the Connext router community, supporting and mentoring router operators. We onboarded another client for our custom infrastructure provider line of business and are now supporting Metl in converging ACH and Web3 payments on Avalanche.

On the validator business side, we added the Evmos validator and also started as a node operator on Forta.

We’re looking forward to reaching the next milestones on our roadmap and we hope you are too!

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