Bware Labs — June Update

Oana Pohrib
Bware Labs
Published in
3 min readJul 4, 2022
Bware Labs Monthly Update — June

Summer is finally here and, luckily, it brought along tons of exciting stuff for and from Bware Labs. Let’s walk through a recap together and start with what’s new in Blast.

We expanded our support for Elrond, by including Elrond API, along with the pre-existing Gateway API. Of course, it’s available as either a dedicated endpoint in your account or through the Public API functionality.

We also launched a new validator on Turing Network and increased the networks’ security by adding another safety layer to the transactions made on this chain.

As our API infrastructure platform is gaining popularity, two big names in the blockchain industry have adopted Blast as their primary API provider: Nomad and Moonwell. Even the overall product adoption skyrocketed in June: while at the beginning of the month we were celebrating 1 billion Total API Calls made through Blast API platform, by the end of the month Blast was reaching almost 5 billion Total API Calls.

We’ve had another important announcement made by our partners at Avalanche, who expanded their bridge to the BTC world. If you’re wondering what that has to do with Bware Labs, we’d like to remind you that we’re one of the original 4 wardens of the bridge (currently there are 8), securing more than $50B worth of transactions so far.

On the fun side, we were very excited to meet a lot of Romanian crypto heads at the first edition of Blockchain Talks by Bware Labs. The cool space that hosted us was filled with enthusiastic attendants and well-informed speakers. And we could feel the good energy they brought along! The panelists covered topics ranging from business, infrastructure, smart contract development, decentralization, and the state of Defi. The levels of engagement and questions proved to us that the topics were spot on!

Now it’s easier to generate discussions, offer us feedback, and stay up to date with the newest features: Blast, our API infrastructure platform, has its own Twitter Channel! As our main product is growing and gaining more traction in the blockchain API industry, it was only natural to offer our users a brand new communication channel, to help them stay on top of the news, provide feedback and create meaningful interactions with people that share the same interests. Check it out, you might be in for a treat!

As for the technical roadmap, our engineering team is finalizing the work on Blast’s integrity protocol and staking mechanism so we are getting closer to decentralizing Blast Infrastructure and allowing Node Providers to join our platform and mission to bring true reliability to Web3. Stay tuned if you want to be a part of our Web3 journey!

We’re excited to see what July will bring along!

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