Bware Labs — May Update

Anca Chirila
Bware Labs
Published in
3 min readJun 1, 2022

May was a tough month for the crypto world. We were all shaken about the Luna / Terra story, how quickly all that unfolded and how much it impacted everything in the space. Truly glad to see we could help a few fellow #BUIDLers by offering them Blast subscriptions to ease the infrastructure tasks of moving their projects on other chains. If you want to benefit from this, but didn’t get around to enrolling, reach out to us on discord and we’ll make it happen.

Luckily, we’ve had some nice summer days since, to make things lighter and celebrating bitcoin pizza day with all of you surely improved our mood!

As always, our strategy in turbulent times has been to focus on our tech, and May was not short of deliveries from our awesome teams. We transitioned everyone from to Blast, while adding support for Gnosis and Optimism. Moreover, we expanded the capabilities of our platform by adding the new Public API feature, which makes things even easier for people wanting easy access to any of our supported networks. For instance, if you want to benefit from the increased security and reliability of using a custom RPC endpoint instead of the default one in Metamask, you just need to go to the desired network in the Public API section on Blast, press add to Metamask and you’re all set.

But we didn’t stop there! We launched the Covalent validator, being one of just 10 trusted validators on the network, and became part of the #Build2Earn program on Astar , where you can delegate to us through dApp staking.

Last but not least, we launched a Bug bounty campaign to leverage our awesome community to further improve on all aspects of Blast quality, reliability and security! Be sure to check it out!

And, before we get on with June, we want to share with you that, among all these, we reached a very important milestone for us: after just one month from launching, Blast has surpassed 1 Billion API calls successfully answered!

Hard work truly pays off and we’re excited to see that you repay ours with your confidence and trust, by using Blast so heavily!

Stay tuned to see what June will bring us!

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