Houston Testnet — Launch Phase Retrospective

Bware Labs
Published in
4 min readSep 22, 2022

As Houston Testnet is now stable on the “Orbit”, we want to take a moment to reflect on all that we have accomplished. We are grateful for the support of our community as we continue to build and grow. Thank you for being a part of our story.

The first participants of the new Node Providers cohort have already been onboarded, so it’s time to take a look back at the most important events and achievements in the Launch Phase.

We started the Launch Phase with 32 Node Providers and a total of 40 nodes. The onboarding process went really smooth, beyond our expectations even. We were really impressed with the level of professionalism demonstrated by the first teams to join Blast, as well as truly satisfied with the way the entire protocol behaved.

Some of the most appreciated aspects of the testnet, as communicated to us during the Launch Phase, were the smooth and intuitive onboarding process, our team’s prompt and helpful communication, and the comprehensive documentation.

Here are some of our participants’ opinions that we consider relevant to the overall testnet experience:

First of all, typically configuring each API among different blockchains is difficult and confusing, but the UI/UX of BwareLabs with BlastAPI is simple and easy to understand.

In addition, the integration of the official documents for various blockchains was splendid. Not for Bware only but also for other node operators which can use that information for their own purpose.

One thing we are concerned about is an alert system. We think that the small alert (like connected RPCs down, BlastAPI down, and so on) system needs on the BlastAPI. It would be great for the node operator who runs nodes within Blast.

Lucas Ku, B-Harvest

It’s been an enjoyable and interesting experience to be a part of the Houston incentivized testnet. The onboarding experience to become an RPC operator on their platform has been smooth, the documentation expansive, and the Bware Labs team has been responsive and extremely capable of debugging any technical issues that have been encountered.

Hugin, Stakin

The Launch Phase was a great experience for our team as well, as it allowed us to gradually release new features such as Staking Pool management, staking functionality, claiming rewards, and staking. We were able to gather real-time feedback from an amazing group of partners and we managed to already implement most of it.

At the same time, we had the opportunity to test and adjust some of Blast’s more complex systems such as the Integrity Protocol, custom proxy, and scoring algorithm.

Based on this Launch Phase experience, we are confident that we are heading towards building a great product and one of the most technologically advanced API platforms on the market. If you want to get involved and experience Blast on your own, you can still join our Landing Phase or the ongoing Community Phase by visiting our testnet page at https://houston.blastapi.io/houston-testnet

If you’re still not convinced, here are some more testimonials from our participants that might give you a better idea of the overall Houston Testnet experience:

With the increase in sanctions and restrictions across web3 protocols, the demand for censorship-resistant decentralized infrastructure providers is growing. The team at Bware Labs is dedicated to serving this demand through its infrastructure network.

It has been great working with the Bware Labs team and trying out the Houston Incentivized testnet. The onboarding process, the feature rollout, and the communication from the team has been phenomenal, and we look forward to a successful mainnet launch.

Abhinav, Woodstock

1) Onboarding went smoothly, the team did a good job with alerts and communication in discord.

We reported some mistakes in the docs for Gnosis. Feedback was well accepted.

2) Chrome did not work to do MM sign in the dashboard. I had to switch to Brave (it could be a local issue)

3) So far Phase1 is going ok, with stable operations. However, Gnosis operators including us had a jail event for no particular reason.

4) Staking is working correctly, and rewards are distributed.

5) Testnet participants are active and provide good informative communications on the channels. No spam. The team is involved too

Evgeny, Nodes Guru

I think it was a great experience to be a node provider on Blast! The community staff is very dedicated. With their timely replies, we’ve got a lot of support. The documentation is readable and the community members are also very friendly.

Ming, Hashquark

About Houston Testnet

Houston Incentivized testnet is a series of challenges for future Node Providers on Blast, aimed at helping them to prepare, learn, and potentially earn sufficient funds to run their nodes once the mainnet staking protocol is launched. The testnet will consist of 3 phases, focused on different aspects that will cover testing integrity issues, registration flows, and staking rewards distribution.

Find out more and get a seat in the following phases: https://houston.blastapi.io/houston-testnet

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