Join the Galactic Riders Ambassador Program

Bware Labs
Published in
5 min readJul 10, 2023

Updates August 14, 2023

Starting with the third sprint, we have introduced an additional rule regarding tasks. Each task can now be completed a maximum of 10 times. This adjustment is aimed at maintaining a fair, level playing field and promoting diversity in task engagement (e.g. An ambassador can only get points for 10 articles, 10 Twitter threads, 10 Coinmarketcap posts, 10 videos of 1+ mins, and so on.)

Disclaimer: There are some tasks that can be done only once per sprint, please check the guidelines in order to see which ones. Tasks that will be done more times than stated will not be graded. (e.g. If an ambassador makes 12 Twitter threads, they will get only the points for the first 10 Twitter threads submitted.)

Each ambassador who makes it onto the leaderboard (scores at least 500 points) will receive a free 3-month developer plan (valued at $150), which they can either use for themselves or gift to another person.
Disclaimer: Limited to one occurrence per account. Ambassadors must create the account within a maximum of 2 weeks after completing the form, which will be announced on Discord.

Check out this link for the updated tasks and points.

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the Galactic Riders Ambassador Program, an exciting community initiative created specifically for you, our exceptional contributors. This program aims to acknowledge and reward your valuable content within the Bware Labs ecosystem and community. We recognize your dedication and commitment, which is why we have tailored this program exclusively for our most active and devoted members. Our primary goal is to educate everyone about the cutting-edge infrastructure services being developed at Bware Labs. Join us on this journey as we empower and enlighten the community through the Galactic Riders Ambassador Program.

Why should I join the Galactic Riders Program?

  • $2.000 Monthly prizes
  • Bware Labs Merch Packages
  • Free training with Bware Labs team
  • Free workshops
  • Alpha access to new features (e.g. Bware Academy lectures)
  • Alpha access to a Discord channel where they will be able to work closely with the Bware Labs team and will have access to news/updates/calls with the team
  • Valuable content would be distributed on official channels or blog
  • Become a full-time paid core team member for Bware Labs

Gang riders come first

Our OG Ambassadors will have early access to the new ambassador program as a sign of appreciation for their devotion and loyalty.

All supporters, ambassadors, and community leads who kept their role until the end of the last Ambassador Program are considered OG Ambassadors.

But don’t worry about the rest of our new fans; the program is open to everyone who wants to join.

Mechanics of the galactic ride

  • 10 winners will be announced at the end of every 2 weeks based on the leaderboard scoring (the number of winners might be less than 10 if there is no valuable content submitted)
  • The Ambassador program will run for an undefined period
  • Community members have to do tasks according to the rules to qualify
  • Participants need to fill out a form to submit content (could be done several times, or one time with multiple pieces of content)
  • Winners will be selected by the Bware Labs team, taking into consideration their involvement in and outside the community, engagement, content written. If you have won a sprint, this does not mean your leaderboard spot is guaranteed in the next one. The race refreshes every 2 weeks
  • No tiers — all ambassadors will have the same responsibilities and will be considered official ambassadors of Bware Labs

🏁Sign up by completing this form 🏁

🏁Submit your content by completing this form 🏁

General rules

  • Follow our social media channels (Twitter Bware Labs, LinkedIn Bware Labs, Instagram Bware Labs, Twitter Blast)
  • Join our Telegram & Discord channels and get your Discord Riders Ambassador role in the #✅│welcome-riders channel
  • Your submitted content should be original, plagiarism will lead to 3X point penalty. (e.g. if you used someone else’s Reddit post, you will get 3 x 50 points less on your scoring)
  • Do not submit duplicate submissions of the same tweet/article/video etc.
  • Low-quality work will result in not receiving any points (if doesn’t meet the criteria of technical accuracy, or brand standards)
  • The Bware Labs team will select the winners based on the submitted forms.

Galactic Winners

10 winners will be selected every 2 weeks based on their leaderboard score.

  • 1st Place: $300
  • 2nd Place: $200
  • 3rd Place: $150
  • 4th Place: $100
  • 5th Place: $75
  • 6th Place: $60
  • 7th Place: $50
  • 8th Place: $40
  • 9th Place: $35
  • 10th Place: $30

The Galactic Track — How do I sign up and how do I ride?

Then check out our list of circuits you get to ride. You can choose different types of galactic race tracks, just make sure you follow the rules.

We have developed a point system that will help us score each ambassador’s involvement and dedication. In order to qualify on the leaderboard, you have to score at least 500 points. At the end of each sprint, the first 10 ambassadors on the leaderboard will be rewarded.

Each action or piece of content will be scored as follows (*high-quality content can get you 25% more points).

The leaderboard, featuring the winners, will be published three days after the completion of the sprint.

Each ambassador who kept their role in the last sprint will automatically start the first sprint with 100 points because of their involvement during the last Ambassador Program and their support for our cause.

How do I score my ride for the leaderboard?

Let’s say you create the following actions: 4 Coinmarketcap posts (4 x 50p) + 2 Coinmarketcap comments (2 x 50p) + 1 article (50 p) + organize AMA (100p) + 1 Twitter Thread (1 x 10p) + Activity on social channels (10p) + Short Video for Reels/Tiktok (20p) = 500. You just entered the leaderboard, you awesome Galactic Rider!

Restricted Countries

Participants in the Ambassador Program located in crypto restricted countries are joining at their own risk. Participants must acknowledge their responsibility for complying with local laws and regulations regarding cryptocurrency activities. Participants must carefully consider their jurisdiction’s legal landscape before entering the program. Our aim is to ensure your utmost safety and compliance throughout your journey as an ambassador.

🏁Sign up by completing this form 🏁

🏁Submit your content by completing this form 🏁

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Bware Labs

We're building an all-encompassing infrastructure and development ecosystem to support all blockchain developers out there.