BWHealth XXL Freshman Class 2017

Pranav Chunduri
Published in
5 min readJul 31, 2017

A reflective end of year post from the summer 2017 BWHealth interns.

Other Jason:

Yooooooooooooo we out of here! We done! Peace!

Okay, sorry, got a little excited there. Time to be professional.

It feels good to look back at the past two and a half months that we’ve spent with BWHealth. Looking back at the hundreds of phone calls and emails sent, thousands of pages and pages of patents read, and the uncountable amount of dope stuff we did this summer. Just look at our Youtube and Instagram to see all of the mind blowing work Jason Luong did. Want to know anything about medical devices? Ask Pranav and Swetha.

Whenever people ask me about work the first thing I mention is the culture here. The best way to describe it is it’s like team practice. Everyone’s hustling, looking for the best way to get work done and really push this company forward. At the same time, however, everyone’s having fun doing it. Everyone’s helping each other out and elevating one another and after having been in toxic workspaces it’s really a great sight to see. Just sit down in the office once and you’ll understand, there’s something special happening here.


Its me Jason, no not Jason above, just Jason. Wait Jason who? The marketing one? Aren’t both of them in marketing? Oh right J1 ok. So yes, there were two Jason’s in the office, and yes, both of us had a last name that started with the same letter. Unfortunate? Nah.

Wow, look at where we are, two and a half months later, summer is over and I’m sad to say so is this internship with BWHealth. From day one to the last day. I’d really reflect back on what I learned and accomplished, frankly it’s pretty incredible. I had worked in a large office in my previous internship, I loved the work I did but I felt like nothing more than just another number for them to account for. But here at BW every task, every little detail I was able to accomplish was a step for the company, a shove in the right direction. Whether it be something as simple as posting to social media or coming up with an entire marketing strategy. But, I couldn’t have done it without the team, from my “twin” Jason, Sales, and R&D. They made it work, the culture of everyone striving to crank out what we needed and realize the goals we all had in mind. This office had 3 people when I walked in on my first day, and now we can barely find seats to sit in it gets so busy. We’ve called dozens of business, set up deals and heard back from people we’d never even get a response from. And like Jason, I mean other Jason said, you need to see it to believe it. BW isn’t your average run of the mill startup. With Partha at the helm leading, we’re going somewhere and you need to hop in on the boat to see for yourself where you’re going with it as well.


Swetha here! Sad to say that this is it for the intern squad at BW Health. It’s been an awesome summer, full of fun and laughs but also a lot that I learned. There’s something to say about a team of coworkers that can treat each other as friends and genuinely care about the common goals of the group. Everyone steps up to help each other out and it’s really taught me the value of how much passion for a cause can drive the spirit of a company. Along with this, I’ve learned invaluable lessons in the entire sphere of R&D and had the chance to practice these skills hands-on. I have to give a huge shout out to the other half of the R&D intern duo, Pranav. Pranav’s been a huge help to talk through ideas, design new concepts, and get stuff done. Together with him, the Jasons, and everyone else at the company, we formed a great, cohesive group to drive the company forward. I’ve learned so much at my time at BW Health and I’m sad to go but I know that the company will continue to grow and succeed. Most of all, I’m excited for others to have this same great experience working at BW Health and grow alongside the company.


Alright, alright, alright. Hey it’s Pranav. This is it. Better Walk to BWHealth. A durable medical equipment business to a sports medicine company. I came to this company wanting to learn how something works from the ground up. R&D. Sales. Fundraising. Marketing. Operations. Finance. There’s a lot more to it than I thought. Although I was officially an R&D intern, I was exposed to all aspects of the business. Hopefully, one day, I’ll be in a place where I can take on a venture of my own.

Shoutout to Rob. OG crew rolling through IKEA trying to make this office look dope. There are so many small details that can be missed in a company and I learned to be very detail-oriented thanks to Rob.

Hard-working and humble. Suhweeeeeeeeeet.

Shoutout to Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg (aka Anthony and John). Your guys’ charismatic personalities are great to have in an office. Your sincerity to the work is very admirable.

Shoutout to Nick. Asking the right questions to make the business run a lot smoother. Strategic and tactful.

Shoutout to Ty. Upped my game. My engineering knowledge not only put to the test, but raised to a higher level. This company is lucky to have someone this intelligent conducting the R&D train. Smart and adept.

Shoutout to J Crew (Jason Luong and Jason Lee). You guys put in hella work. Adding significantly to the aesthetic of the company. Now people have a much easier way of connecting with us. Personable and cool.

Shoutout to Swetha. Dynamic duo. R&D is so vast and easy to get lost in. It’s a good thing there was someone else smarter than me that I could bounce ideas off of and learn from. Cooperative and intelligent.

Shoutout to Partha. Always happy to know that I got to work for someone from Georgia Tech. I definitely hold some pride in that fact. You delivered an experience that I wasn’t expecting from an internship. I really felt like I made my mark as a part of the company and I couldn’t be more appreciative. Encouraging and a great leader.

Looking forward to seeing the BWHealth logo everywhere I go.

