A Story You’ve Heard Your Entire Life, Part 2

Wes Kriesel
BWT — But We’re Together
2 min readDec 19, 2018

Read part 1 here.

So what? What can I take away from this? I know very little about Biblical history, but I know that even though Joseph didn’t have social media, the internet, or cell phones, which are some of the sources of information and noise that fill our lives, he had people around him, including friends, family and strangers, and he knew because of their conversations in the moment, or from his personal lived experience of being enculturated into Jewish society, that there were expectations of how he should act, and what would have been considered “normal” or acceptable in his circumstances.

So, in spite of input from society, Joseph listened to angels in dreams and let their input guide him. And not just guide him in the minutia, but in the momentous.

I don’t know if you believe in angels or in the Bible. Sometimes, the Biblical world can seem so far away and so well, unlikely, but my point is: how do you listen for spiritual input in your life?

I can tell you from my experience, that listening and reacting to the common experiences of life, the common mode of reacting, is easy, and it’s a habit. It’s how we survive and get through our lives. But there is more to life than breakfast, lunch and dinner, or who’s picking up the kids, or what do you want to do this weekend? It’s more than does your boss or co-workers like you. It’s more than do I have enough gas to get home, or do I have enough money for retirement. Those are the stories you’ve heard your entire life. Those are the things that Joseph’s friends and families talked about and filled their conversations with. Well, except for enough gas to get home — that was probably “does my donkey have enough hay to get home?”

How do you listen to the uncommon threads of input? How do you listen for what the angels — your spiritual guardians and protectors — are whispering in your dreams? How do you focus on messages that exist in another plane when all around threatens to distract you and contradict you?



Wes Kriesel
BWT — But We’re Together

Innovating in Fullerton & beyond. Photographer. Runner & fundraiser for clean water with Team World Vision.