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I’m very happy to move away from that. If it does you good to tell you that there are winks at Debussy, I’m very happy, and if you have no classical references and it makes you think of film music or something else, I’m very comfortable with that.
Sofiane Pamart為法國的新古典音樂鋼琴家,他最為人知的是消弭了古典樂與嘻哈的疆界。6歲被送去音樂學校,曾任母校里爾國家音樂學院(Conservatoire de Lille)的金獎/首席,可以把它想成是Spy Family中皇帝的學徒。
P.S.中文提及Sofiane Pamart的介紹,歡迎大家多多支持。
Sofiane Pamart最初與饒舌團體Rapsodie合作,其後更有法國饒舌大咖、電子樂創作者、DJ,亦會擔任饒舌歌手的巡迴現場鋼琴演奏。
2021年聽到Bon Entendeur跟Sofiane Pamart聯名的Alba,至今蟬聯本人最喜歡的一首。
“ Alba”一詞在意大利語和西班牙語中翻譯為“黎明”。
Then, I was a big fan of Vladimir Horowitz, even if he was an old man not from my generation, because he was perfect in the way he expressed emotions. I have always felt inspired by Maria Callas, too, and I love her capacity to find the best way to sing phrases and sentences, giving them intensity and feelings. One of the most important masters for me has been the French pianist Henry Barda: I had the honor of meeting him and he told me so many things about music.
音樂上,Sofiane Pamart喜好蕭邦、霍洛維玆(Vladimir Horowitz)、Keith Jarrett、Maria Callas、Henry Barda等人。
而在事業上,Sofiane Pamart遇見藝術家Guillaume Héritier,後者成為他的mentor及代理人。
A gold medal from the Lille Conservatory, a rich rap repertoire, a cutting-edge style, a company, YouPiano, a law graduate in Lyon, an MBA in management — what are your flaws?
PAN M 360
擁有里爾音樂學院金牌、一間名為YouPiano的公司、里昂法學院學位、管理學MBA 的同時,Sofiane Pamart也與他本職是外交官的妹妹(拉小提琴),一同跨界為Ubisoft的《刺客教條》(Assassin’s Creed Valhalla)做了遊戲音樂。
Especially luxury brands and the way they tell their stories inspire and fascinate me. The passion, the skills and the care you need to make a very specific jewel, for example, are the same I need to compose a piece of music. The relationship they create between the time, the work, the story and the dream. With fashion we can use our look, our style and clothes as a language. It is a game you can decide to play or not and I like to play it.
Sofiane Pamart打扮很潮,比NBA球員還潮,但他跟韓國攝影師我分不出來。
下面演出時的衣著好似Songket,號稱Piano King的人真的很騷包。
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Keith Jarrett的故事值得一讀再讀。