Batman vs. Superman — Why Are They Fighting?

Tyler Boehm
Published in
3 min readMar 22, 2016

I just saw a trailer for a new movie with Batman AND Superman in it. Batman and Superman are both good guys, but in the new movie they fight each other. Why would they do that?

If this movie had come out when I was six, the premise would have been very disturbing to me, but now that I’ve lived some more, I have some pretty good guesses as to what is going on.


Money. A lot of fights between friends start over money. Maybe Superman is angry that he’s scraping by as a reporter and renting a small apartment like a chump even though he is literally the best in the world at every single thing he does. Meanwhile Batman is super rich and everyone knows that it’s only because he inherited the money from his parents. This could be a case of resentment.

Girls. How many friendships have ended over a girl? I think Superman has always had the same girlfriend, Lois Lane, so something probably happened with Lois and Batman. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that a girl will eventually get sick of the struggling reporter lifestyle, especially if there is a more glamorous option available. I’m not saying Lois is a gold digger, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she went for a ride in the Batmobile. Maybe Batman even took her to the Batcave.

Gossip. I watch a lot of “Real Housewives” with my wife and there are way more fights than you would expect amongst a group of friends. A lot of times the fights come down to one friend (Batman) allegedly saying something greasy about another friend (Superman). For instance, Batman said that Superman drinks too much and that one time when Superman was drunk he slept with a much younger man even though he is married. The rumor gets back to Superman through a mutual friend (Wonder Woman) and then the next time Superman sees Batman he confronts him and they fight.

Donald Trump. Trump is a really divisive figure and I’ve seen a ton of people arguing about him on Facebook. I don’t know if Batman or Superman would use Facebook, but there have been a lot of reporters writing think pieces on Trump. That’s probably exactly what Clark Kent did. Batman’s brand of Rich Guy Vigilante Justice is pretty Trump-y and I wouldn’t be surprised if he was offended by Superman’s article. We’ve all seen the fights at Trump rallies.

In the end, there is no good reason for friends to fight and violence is definitely not the answer. But unfortunately, sometimes fights between friends really do occur. Like all great art, “Batman vs. Superman” is just reflecting our reality.

If anybody sees the movie, hit me up and let me know what the real story is.

