The future is dark.

Things to keep in mind when designing a dark mode for your app or websites

Ilke Verrelst
By Digiti


2018 already made it pretty clear: dark modes were coming. Now that we’re already halfway 2019, we can safely say: they’re here and they’re everywhere.

An example of an old green-on-black monitor

Let’s start with saying that dark mode isn’t a completely new concept. It has been around for quite some time already actually. In the really old days, dark mode was all there was: monitors were green-on-black, but only because the phosphor coating on the inside emitted the greenish glow when hit with radiation.

But even after the introduction of color monitors, dark mode lived on. So why is that exactly?

Scrolling all day, err’day

There are two main motives explaining why everyone rushes to add a dark theme to their app nowadays. First of all: computers are everywhere. Everywhere we look, there’s some sort of screen. We use our mobile devices throughout the entire day and night. Having a dark mode makes it easier on the eyes to scroll through your feed one last time in bed before going to sleep. (If you’re like me, that “one last time” might mean a…

