Trip Wire

Don’t forget to enjoy life!

Mike Palmer
By No Means Perfect
2 min readAug 15, 2018


Life can feel like its out to get us. As if the universe was conspiring against us. Plotting some evil scheme to carry out just at the “right” time. In the Bible, God warned Cain that, “sin is crouching at the door.” That’s great imagery and definitely how life can feel. When will disaster strike? It’s waiting for us, crouching in the shadows ready to pounce. The snare is already set, be sure of that!

Sickness, injury, death, and catastrophe are all around us. When terrible misfortune falls on someone we know, we’re all shocked. Disaster happens every second of every day, all over the world…but we’re stunned when it creeps into our corner of life. As if “it” was unexpected.

Most of us live like we’re going to live forever. Never thinking much about how the future will unfold. We live like our present circumstances will never end. Which explains why we’re shocked when bad things happen. We just don’t expect it. Unmet expectations are the source of many problems in life. But we can’t hyper-focus on all the what if’s, we’ll handicap our lives…too scared to truly live.

Real success requires real risk. Whether we’re sharing ideas, putting our work in front of others, or stepping on a plane destined for a great vacation. Life is all about risk.


  • Remember we die — we never know which moment will be our last
  • Enjoy what you have while you have it
  • Find meaningful ways to acknowledge those important to you
  • Do something you love — even if only for a few short minutes
  • Lose yourself in the moment…even while you work, but find time to disengage

Never forget that this moment is all we have. The past is over, and the future never arrives, we’re always here in the NOW. All of us need to stop concerning ourselves with the opinions of those who don’t matter and free ourselves to fully live. Most of the mistakes we make are soon forgotten. Besides, “If you’re not making mistakes, then you’re not doing anything.”

We’ve become a culture that no longer stops and smells the roses because we’re too busy trying to get somewhere. One day life will end, and we won’t arrive at said destination. So, take a deep breath — feel the air in your lungs…this is your life, don’t forget to enjoy it. 🙂

