
5 Stories from Last Week

Rahul Gupta
By the Bay
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2 min readDec 18, 2017


Ed Lee: just an ordinary guy who transformed a city — San Francisco Chronicle.

Last week, Mayor Ed Lee passed away from a heart attack. The article discusses the legacy that Mayor Ed Lee left and the work he accomplished. Mayor Lee worked to reduce the unemployment rate to 2.7 percent and combat homelessness.

A multi-billion-dollar ‘mega measure’ to fix Bay Area traffic for good heading your way.

After Senator Dianne Feinstein called for another car bridge south of the Bay Bridge, dubbed the Southern Crossing, several Bay Area organizations, including Silicon Valley Leadership Group and the Bay Area Council, are looking to create a so-called “mega-measure” to fund another BART trans-bay tube, as well as expanded ferry service, and possibly bringing Caltrain / HSR to the East Bay.

How to Lead the Nation — From the Bay Area | SPUR.

The President of SPUR (a Bay Area planning think tank), Gabriel Metcalf, wants Bay Areans to not discuss secession from the United States but work to lead the nation by promoting High Speed Rail, housing affordability, and inclusionary policies.

To Improve Transit Quality, 2 Supervisors Propose Breaking Up SFMTA.

While the Central Subway is going to be delayed till 2021, Supervisors Aaron Peskin and Ahsha Safai are looking to split the SFMTA into two organizations, one that handles public transit and the other that deals with streets and taxis. Many public transit advocates, including SPUR, SFTRU, and SFBike, are advocating against the split.

California’s wildfire smoke is so intense, it’s drifted all the way to Seattle.

While these fires are coming from Southern California, they remind us that climate change is affecting the entire state as well as neighboring states.



Rahul Gupta
By the Bay

Grew up in San Jose. Went to UC Berkeley. Live / Work in San Francisco. I ❤ the Bay Area.