Now Let’s Demystify the Japanese Toilet. It’s Pure Rocket Science but Makes Every Visit Memorable.

Require Some Time to Master but Can Be Used During the Learning Phase!

Un Swede Svensson
By Unswede


white-clean-innovation-comfortable-flush-toilet — Un Swede
Japanese toilet — Photo by Mumemories | Freepik

There’s no place like home. And there’s no toilet like your own.

Taylor York

Japanese Toilets Are Amazing

The First Time You See Them Will Make You Afraid

It looks like a commando central on a UFO. But it’s just the control of all functions offered, especially in Japan.

The price of a toilet is from 500 up to 5000 Usd. So it is like a used car.

But it also offers quite a bit more than the ones we are used to in other countries.

Do you want to see what functions they actually offer?

Do you want to know how they reduce the noise you make with No 2?

Maybe you want to see what they offer in Bali as their option?

Read on! We will cover this and more below.

The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.

Pablo Picasso

#1 Washing After the Finished Mission



Un Swede Svensson
By Unswede

I write to you, experiences from my work with management, coding, startups, and as icing on the cake, some of my life lessons.