This is How I Set Up Todoist and actually GTD

How to hack Todoist and Use Projects, Labels, and Filters to Actually Get Things Done

Vernon Johnson


My view (A bit blurred)

(A quick note: Remember, GTD isn’t everything. Don’t be busy for the sake of business. If you’re struggling with busyness, you may find this article helpful as well.)

I’ve been a task app whore for a while. Constantly switching and moving from one task app to the next. I’d often find myself in the “productivity” section of the Apple’s app store looking for the next great to-do list, ineffectually thinking that there was a task app that would do things for me. No such luck.

When I sat down and actually thought about it I realized what I really needed in a task app were three things:

  1. The ability to add a task from as many places as possible (phone, my computer, my wife's computer, Siri). If something pops into my head I need to be able to add it quickly, and I want to have as much access as I can to check the tasks.
  2. It needs to be simple, yet have the ability to organize well.
  3. One task app for work, personal, and shared lists. This…



Vernon Johnson

Husband + Dad of 4. Thoughts on Work, life, and Storytelling.