Berlin’s Fall: Unity Begins

Relive November 9, 1989, as Berlin’s Wall crumbled, uniting hearts and rewriting history in poetic verses.

CJ Coop
Bygone Eras
Published in
3 min readNov 9, 2023


Berlin’s Fall: Unity Begins
By C.J.Coop | Created with Midjourney

When Berlin’s Heartbeat Synchronised

In Berlin’s heart, a wall once stood tall,
Silent witness to a divided world’s call.
Concrete and steel, it seemed unyielding,
Yet, it was no match for a human feeling.

East met West with an impenetrable door,
Ideologies clashed, creating wounds raw and sore.
But beyond the barricades, the dreams did soar,
For beneath the differences, unity was the core.

A November night, not just any fall,
The world watched as history began to scrawl.
Tears and tools, hands and hammers combined,
Determined to dismantle what politics designed.

Echoes of freedom, in the night did resound,
As bricks and barriers tumbled to the ground.
Families reunited, lovers’ embraces tight,
In the heart of Berlin, hope burned bright.



CJ Coop
Bygone Eras

| Poet | Storyteller | British | Lodestar Gazette Owner |