BYLINED Q&A: “I’m Outta Here”

Published in
3 min readSep 30, 2016

Interview w/Hannah Budke. Byliner. Bronco. Birkenstock Lover.

BYLINED: Safe to assume (based on your email address and your email footer) you’re studying at Boise State? Can you tell us a little about your experience as a Bronco? What year are you? What are you studying at Boise State?

I am currently a senior studying communications, public relations, and marketing. Being at Boise State has been some of the best 3 years of my life. I have worked incredibly hard to be able to graduate a semester early and so this December, I will get my degree. What seems like a lifetime of working is finally coming to an end and I am so blessed to have been able to get an education in the great state of Idaho.

BYLINED: What do you love about Boise State?

I was originally so afraid to move to Idaho. I was a 17 year old from Los Angeles who had never ventured out of the busy city life. I remember telling my friends that I was moving to Idaho and most of them said, “Where?” But there is so much to do in Boise. There’s something for everyone here. You can go hiking in the mountains and soak in a hot springs and then go to downtown Boise and find so much great entertainment. It is a big city with a little town feel.

BYLINED: What was the inspiration behind this photo? “I’m outta here.”

This summer I had the opportunity to pack my life into three suitcases and move to Columbus for 12 weeks. I served as a marketing intern for Victoria’s Secret PINK. It was a summer that completely changed me as a person. For starters, I traded in my yoga pants for dresses and got to work in the real world. It was the sweetest taste of my future. This photo was taken in the Columbus airport as I stood in line for Starbucks. This is my last moment in Columbus. It was so sad — I wasn’t ready to leave. My boss got me that passport holder as a farewell gift because she knows I love to travel. It was an incredibly emotional moment that I was so happy to capture because it meant that I survived 45 hour work weeks and paved my way to a successful career.

BYLINED: How do you like to spend your time? (This can be for work, fun, hobbies, passions, etc. Up to you how to answer this.)

I have a one year old pup named Jeter. He is a Maltese poodle and he loves to explore. We do that a lot. He wakes me up every morning and we go on walks along the Boise River, or he comes downtown with me to get coffee at our favorite shop. When I’m not working, I’m usually with friends planning my next adventure. Since this is my last semester of college, my roommate and I made a bucket list of things I can only do while in college and in Idaho, so we spend our days crossing items off that list.

BYLINED: As you may know, BYLINED is a new company based in Columbus, OH. We really value these 1:1 conversations with our community and we would like to know if you have any feedback for us?

Love the idea behind this company. Seriously, so smart. Working in marketing, I love when a company has great public relations skills and values customer opinions. One thing I see for the app in particular is a way to filter through the ‘bounties’ between retail, food, etc so I can sift through them easier. For example, there is no Canes here (or many of the food opportunities you have since they’re local), but the Birkenstocks one was perfect because I can send those photos in from anywhere. Can’t wait to watch this company grow!!!!

BYLINED: Aw, thanks for the compliments and the feedback. We’re pretty excited to watch our company grow, too.


BYLINED is the first customer engagement platform that gives brands the opportunity to engage their fans for unique, brand oriented photos along with the intelligence behind the photo. Check us out at

