Ditch the fraud police: embrace your inner impostor
Have you ever felt like a fraud or an impostor, despite your successes and accomplishments? This feeling is known as Impostor Syndrome, a psychological phenomenon in which people doubt their abilities and sometimes feel like they are frauds. It is a common experience among high-achieving individuals, including professionals, artists, and students.
In this article, we will explore the characteristics of Impostor Syndrome, the factors that cause it, and steps to overcome it.
The Impostor presence can be identified as the persistent inability to believe that one’s success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved as a result of one’s own efforts or skills.
I have often experienced feelings of being an impostor throughout my career and have caught myself making excuses for the opportunities that I have taken, almost as if they were just a stroke of luck. My impostor frequently told me that I was simply in the right place at the right time.
Let's now explore ways our impostor might show itself.
6 Characteristics of Impostor Syndrome
Self-doubt: Feeling inadequate, despite evidence of competence and success.
Undervaluing one’s contribution: Believing that one’s achievements are insignificant or a result of luck or help from others.
Attributing success to external factors: Thinking that success is due to external factors, such as luck, timing, or other people’s help.
Sabotaging self-success: Self-sabotaging behaviours, such as procrastination, perfectionism, or avoiding challenges, to avoid failure or disappointment.
Setting unrealistic expectations: Setting impossibly high standards for oneself, and feeling like a failure when those expectations are not met.
Fear of not living up to expectations: A persistent fear of being exposed as a fraud or a failure, and not living up to one’s own or others’ expectations.
After identifying these characteristics, I have learned to recognise the emotions connected to my impostor and have made progress in managing them. But what about the roots? Where do those emotions come from?
Here is what I found out:
2 Main Causing Factors of Impostor Syndrome
Social pressure: Societal expectations and norms that put us pressure to achieve, succeed, and meet high standards.
Sense of belonging: A desire to fit in, be accepted, and avoid criticism or rejection, which can lead us to doubt our own abilities and achievements.
Then I asked myself "What do I do with this strong voice inside my head? Is there a way to shut it down? How can I stop allowing my impostor to sabotage me?".
You can find below the steps I that have helped me with that:
4 Overcoming Steps for Impostor Syndrome
Acknowledge: Acknowledge the presence of your inner impostor and tame the emotion by noticing when it arises and what triggers it. Give it a name, detach it from yourself.
Explore: Evaluate the situation and reasons behind feeling like a fraud, and recognise that it is a common experience among high-achievers.
Embrace: Embrace Impostor Syndrome as a natural part of being human, and look back at your achievements and successes.Celebrate yourself!
Slay your goals: React to Impostor Syndrome intentionally, by setting realistic goals, seeking feedback and support, and taking action despite the fear of failure.
Instead of dismissing my achievements as luck or help from others, I remind myself of the hard work and dedication that went into them. I have also stopped setting impossibly high standards for myself and have learned to appreciate my contributions and successes, no matter how small they may seem. By acknowledging and addressing my impostor feelings, I have been able to move past them and achieve my goals with more confidence and self-assurance.
Having the impostor’s voice in our heads can be a challenging experience, but it is not uncommon, and it can be overcome. By acknowledging, exploring, embracing, and slaying your goals, you can overcome your inner impostor and access your full potential. Remember that your achievements and successes are real, and you deserve to celebrate them.