These Are the Craziest Beauty Treatments We’ve Ever Tried

By Victoria Hoff

Byrdie Beauty
5 min readDec 1, 2016


PHOTO: Instagram/@SaraSampaio

One of the unspoken job requirements of a beauty editor is to house a healthy sense of curiosity. After all, our tough gig involves seeking out some of the coolest products and experiences around in the name of better skin, hair, and health — and all the better if they’re off the beaten path. To that end, we all have some pretty interesting tales to tell. And naturally, our favorites are the ones that actually delivered amazing results.

Take it from the Victoria’s Secret models who all prepped their skin for the big show with the same 24k gold-leaf sheet mask — sometimes you have to be willing to experiment to find beauty nirvana. (Bonus points if you also get a killer picture for the ‘gram.) Below, read our own accounts of the wildest things we’ve done in the name of beauty, from snail slime facials to muscle-electrocution.

“The craziest beauty treatment I tried (and forever a dinner party conversation starter) was when I got my blood drawn… and turned into a face cream. It took me a full three weeks before I could garner up the courage to actually use the blood cream from Dr. Barbara Sturm, but in the end, it was well worth it. Turns out, the platelets in my blood are MAGICAL — or at least, it would appear so from the way the cream made my skin incredibly soft and hydrated.”

“As a willing and able beauty guinea pig who also has a penchant for all things weird and metaphysical, I’ve done some pretty out-there stuff — sound baths (yes, that’s plural), an enema, a sensory deprivation tank, and let’s not forget that time I foraged for herbs in Central Park. And yet, they’re not even the wildest things I’ve done. I think that distinction belongs to the EscarGlow facial, during which a cosmetic dermatologist slathered my face with snail excrement (which is highly concentrated in growth hormones, apparently) and then needled it into my face with a Dermapen. I bled; I cried; I felt like a total badass.

“But then my under-eye bags completely disappeared, and the glow of my complexion was such that I didn’t wear foundation for weeks. I promptly bought my first dermaroller — and the rest is history.

“The other week I experienced the rare, transportive glory that is Tomoko Spa, this secret Japanese spa in Beverly Hills. Their massage ($210 for 60 minutes) is unlike any other I’ve experienced. It combines Japanese tradition with Swedish massage, starting out with a detoxifying foot soak, followed by a 60-minute massage, followed by a tea service. The massage itself was insane (in a good way). At one point, my tiny but very strong masseuse literally crawled on top of me, on all fours, to deliver the maximum amount of pressure to my upper and lower back. It seems extreme, but it worked.”

“In my constant quest to contour and tone my body without ever going to the gym, I made an appointment at Joanna Vargas for her Tone Up body treatment ($200 for 60 minutes). Essentially, it allows you to target your workout to specific problem areas — all the while never leaving her treatment bed. Using microcurrent patches (I chose to treat my abs and thighs), the high-frequency lifts and tightens your skin to simulate the work and muscle contraction that occurs during an intense workout. And, trust, it feels like exercise. That was probably the strangest part — my legs and abs burned, and they felt fatigued while I was lying down. It was freaky in that it almost felt like I was electively electrocuting myself. But it does work. The treated areas were tight, smooth, and visibly more toned after two treatments.”

“Last spring, I visited Aire Ancient Baths in NYC for a Tata Harper event. I felt like I was in a magical dream world. Middle Eastern music was playing, candles were lit, juices were being served — I couldn’t believe this little zen paradise existed in the hustle and bustle of the city.

“The point of my being there was to get a facial with Tata’s Resurfacing Mask ($58) and experience the baths — a heavenly afternoon, I’d say. I expected to float around in a warm pool for about a half hour and call it a day, but there was a whole treatment behind it. The baths are set to different temperatures — 61°F and 102°F — and are meant for you to transfer between. Bringing your body from cold to warm temperatures gets the circulation flowing faster and helps carry oxygen throughout your body to release toxins. To be honest, the ‘cold’ pool was much too chilly for me to comfortably tolerate, but I truly felt awakened, calm, and renewed when all was said and done. Plus, The Biebs apparently frequents this place, if that’s at all of interest to anyone.”

What’s the craziest thing you’ve done in the name of beauty? Tell us your story in the comments below.

Read Next: 7 Unusual Makeup Tricks That Deliver Major Results

Originally published at on December 1, 2016.

