Book Review: The Leader Who Had No Title.

Staff Writer
Byte Orbit
Published in
2 min readOct 2, 2019

In this book, Robin Sharma shares a formula for success that has made him one of the most sought-after leadership advisers in the world. Discover how you can demonstrate leadership wherever you are, regardless of your title.

What attracted you to this book?

Weirdly enough it was the title that grabbed my attention. “The leader who had no title” seemed to fit into the companies ethos and I was curious to find out more about how this could be applied in life and business.

What is the basic storyline?

It is a fable about Blake Davis, who had a bit of trouble being motivated at work and also suffered quite a bit of hardship before working at a bookstore.
He was approached by a man who seemed odd and offered to help him turn his life around. The fable is about a day that Blake spends with this man and learns the philosophy of Leading Without a Title. He meets 4 mentors on this journey, with each of them giving him 5 sets of rules to adopt and to apply in everyday life and Business.

What were some highlights?

The way that the mentors describe their stories and how they are applying these rules gives them a personal touch that is very relatable. There are 5 acronyms that the mentors use to describe each of their 5 rules. (They love Acronyms! But it makes it easier to remember.) The highlight was that I felt this is something that I will be able to apply to my work and my colleagues.

What insights have you gained?

The first one is that I need to get up earlier in the mornings! Difficult but the goal is to be up at 5 am every day! Further to that, I am also applying the four mentors’ five rules sets to my work life. They are easy to apply and that I will need to work through these for 40days, even though it might be tough but if you do not push to expand your comfort zone then your comfort zone will never change and you are likely to stagnate.

Who do you think should read this book?

I would say almost everyone that is working in a company or with a team or even directly with clients. Specifically, if you are looking to get a bit of a fresh perspective on what it is to be a leader and how you can be a leader even without a title like “Manager/CEO etc.” Definitely would recommend to most!

