Autilent Wins Big at SCCC | Alibaba Cloud Hackathon at LEAP’23

Asad Anwer
Published in
2 min readApr 4, 2023
Autilent Wins Big at SCCC | Alibaba Cloud Hackathon
Autilent Wins Big at SCCC | Alibaba Cloud Hackathon


Autilent has won 4th position and a prize of 150,000 Saudi Riyal in a hackathon competition that had over 200 teams from 35 countries. The team worked tirelessly to ensure that their solution was the best possible, and their hard work and dedication paid off. The company is committed to innovation and pushing boundaries in logistics, and winning this competition is a testament to its excellence and technical expertise.

In February 2023, Alibaba hosted a hackathon to encourage participants to build and utilize Alibaba Cloud’s methodologies and tools to come up with brilliant solutions and implementation to their ideas. Over 200+ teams participated in the Hackathon consisting of over 4000+ individuals from 35+ countries.

Team Autilent competed in the competition with their product that aims to solve real-world logistic problems faced by logistic companies across the world. Our solution leveraged Alibaba Cloud Technologies to ensure the stability and scalability of the solution that we were pitching.

The competition was fierce, with some of the best minds from around the world participating. However, we were confident in our abilities, and we poured our hearts and souls into the project. The main heroes of the project were Muhammad Ibrahim Chippa and Muhammad Areeb Siddiqui who worked tirelessly, day and night, to ensure that our solution was the best possible. We cleared the two rounds involved in the competition and were then awaiting the results.

The closing ceremony was held at the LEAP’23, and the announcements started from the bottom. There were 25 winners out of 200 that came from 35-plus countries, and we were just waiting in awe to see how we performed. Our hard work and dedication paid off, and we were overjoyed to hear that we had won the 4th position in the competition. The prize money of 150,000 Saudi Rayal is a testament to our excellence and the competency that came through in our work.

We are incredibly proud of what we have achieved, and we owe our success to the amazing team that worked on this project. Their dedication, hard work, and technical expertise were instrumental in our victory.

At Autilent, we are committed to innovation and pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the logistics industry. We are grateful for the opportunity to participate in this competition, and we are excited to continue disrupting verticals in the world of AI and beyond.

To find out more about what Autilent and ByteCorp are up to, visit us here:



Asad Anwer

A Product Thinker by Profession, and a helping hand by choice.