5 (Extreme) Performance Tips in C# šŸ”„

Juan EspaƱa
Published in
7 min readSep 16, 2021

This article is transcribed from Bartosz Adamczewskiā€™s video on LevelUpā€™s Youtube channel about 5 (Extreme) Performance Tips in C#.

*This transcription is made on behalf of ByteHide, we have no association with the author, we just found it super interesting, the team thanks him.

In this article, you will learn 5 different performance tricks that you can do in C#.

They are called EXTREME because, personally, I have not found information like this on the Internet. Yes, there are different performance tricks, but not the ones Iā€™m going to show you here.

Letā€™s start with a very simple example where weā€™re gonna have a sum of odd elements, so what we can do here is we can take the array element and they we can check if itā€™s divisible by two and, if itā€™s not, then weā€™re gonna add that element because that element is odd and we can turn the result.

private static int SumOdd(int[] array)
int counter = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
var element = array[i];
if (element % 2 != 0)
counter += element;
return counter;

So, if we run it in our simple measuring procedure this is going to take quite a while to compute because weā€™re going to compute it on 40 million elements, so the average result is around 240ā€“250 milliseconds.

Testing C# function

If we look at this functionā€¦

Is there something that we can do in order to be to actually optimized? šŸ¤”

Itā€™s there a way for us to have a faster version of this function turns out that there is? šŸ¤”

1. Bit Tricks

We can replace more expensive elements with least expensive elements and in this case Iā€™m talking about the modulus operation. Turns out that the modulus operation can be extremely expensive but the good news is that the jit compiler automatically uses a shift left on the module, so already we have a better implementation but, we can still do better because we have a proper context that the compiler doesnā€™t and there is a way to make it even faster.

sum = SumOdd_Bit(array);

What we can do is we can do a and operation with one and that will effectively test if our element is out and if itā€™s odd itā€™s going to be reduced to just a single value one.

private static int SumOdd(int[] array)
int counter = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
var element = array[i];
if ((element & 1) == 1)
counter += element;
return counter;

Now we can check is if this got faster šŸ‘‡

Testing Bit Tricks C# function

Now it takes slightly faster because itā€™s 217 milliseconds from 240 milliseconds and we got a improvement.

2. Branch Elimination

We can do a branch-free version of that some odd function. We can do it because we already had a kind of an operation that did it because this element and one operation will return one if the element is odd, otherwise itā€™s going to return zero. That already allows us to eliminate the branch and we can do a multiplication or by the element.

sum = SumOdd_BranchFree(array);

If this is one that means the element is odd, weā€™re gonna multiply that by one. Weā€™re gonna have an element, otherwise, weā€™re just going to multiply by zero and have zero. Branch elimination is interesting for a two of reasons:

  • First of all, thereā€™s certain data sets and data workflows that you can have in an application where the data is very extreme that the branch predictor cannot do a good enough job well
  • The second reason is because you want to have a stable performance, because like i said, branch prediction depends on the data and you can have super fast function because you have predictable data but, on the other that might get a bit slower. Thatā€™s why you might want to consider that.

Of course you have to keep in mind that branch prediction is expensive, because all of the things that you have to do to eliminate the branch can be expensive like bit hacking tricks.

private static int SumOdd_BranchFree(int[] array)
int counter = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
var element = array[i];
var odd = element & 1;
counter += (odd * element);
return counter;

Letā€™s check the performance šŸ‘‡

Testing Branch Elimination C# function

It took 43 milliseconds which is a big improvement from 217 milliseconds and thatā€™s really good.

3. Instruction Parallelism

Since we did branch elimination already, what we can do now is we can do a instruction level parallelism here. Instruction level parallelism means that modern cpus usually can do multiple things at the same time provided that thereā€™s no data hazards between different sort of elements and that these instructions that they execute can really be executed on multiple ports.

sum = SumOdd_BranchFree_Parallel(array);

We effectively duplicated our counter to not have data hazards and now we can do certain operations at the same time, for example: and operation can be done four times per one cpu cycle and in order to be able to figure out if you can benefit from these improvements.

private static int SumOdd_BranchFree_Parallel(int[] array)
int counterA = 0;
int counterB = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i += 2)
var elementA = array[i];
var elementB = array[i + 1];
var oddA = elementA & 1;
var oddB = elementB & 1;
counter += (oddA * elementA);
counter += (oddB * elementB);
return counterA + counterB;

Letā€™s test the performance of this version šŸ‘‡

Testing Instruction Parallelism C# function

Now 39 milliseconds. Itā€™s slightly faster but only slightly and the reason might be that we had a multiplication here.

4. Bounds Checking

Tip number four would be to eliminate all of the bounce checks, because the previous method had a lot of bounce checking of the array, although, we sort of fulfill almost the correct signature not to have any bounce checks but, if weā€™re going to change the signature of i, weā€™re gonna get two elements of the array.

sum = SumOdd_BranchFree_Parallel_NoChecks(array);

There are a couple of ways of eliminating them but, one of them thatā€™s the simplest one itā€™s not the best one mind you. Is to just have a fixed pointer to that array and then, basically, weā€™re gonna convert that to the end pointer and gonna weā€™re gonna take that pointer and access the elements.

private static int SumOdd_BranchFree_Parallel_NoChecks(int[] array)
int counterA = 0;
int counterB = 0;
fixed (int* data = &array[0])
var p = (int*)data;
for (var i = 0; i < array.Length; i += 2)
counterA += (p[0] & 1) * p[0];
counterB += (p[1] & 1) * p[1];
p += 2;
return counterA + counterB;

Letā€™s measure the performance of this version šŸ‘‡

Testing Bounds Checking C# function

Better, 32 milliseconds from 39 milliseconds. We got a improvement.

5. Maximize Ports

This tip would be, if we know all of these things now, we can do a better job with ports. We can get another pointer to our data and the first pointer is going to be loaded to registers but the second wonā€™t be. That effectively eliminates the need to have just a single multiplication per operation.

sum = SumOdd_BranchFree_Parallel_NoChecks_BetterPorts(array);

Although, weā€™re still constrained by loads as we can do only two loads per cycle and we have eight loads here, still the multiplication would be the term the the biggest factor in performance degradation here and we can check if this is really true.

private static int SumOdd_BranchFree_Parallel_NoChecks_BetterPorts(int[] array)
int counterA = 0;
int counterB = 0;
int counterC = 0;
int counterD = 0;
fixed (int* data = &array[0])
var p = (int*)data;
var n = (int*)data;
for (var i = 0; i < array.Length; i += 4)
counterA += (n[0] & 1) * p[0];
counterB += (n[1] & 1) * p[1];
counterC += (n[2] & 1) * p[2];
counterD += (n[3] & 1) * p[3];
p += 4;
n += 4;
return counterA + counterB + counterC + counterD;

Letā€™s check it out and letā€™s run this versionšŸ‘‡

Testing Maximize Ports C# function

It took 25.6 milliseconds which is the fastest version.

Just to show you in how it looks in a nice graph, you can see the ports version is slightly faster than the no checks with four parts version and from the first tip to the last tip we have a performance benefit by almost a factor of 10.

Comparison of all C# tips



Juan EspaƱa
Editor for

CEO at ByteHidešŸ”, passionate about highly scalable technology businesses and .NET content creator šŸ‘Øā€šŸ’»