Action in C#: Tutorial

Juan España
Published in
5 min readDec 27, 2023

Introduction to Action Delegate in C#

Hey there, C# aficionados! Prepare yourself to dive into world of Action Delegates; the cornerstone of asynchronous programming in C#. So, buckle up, ’cause we’ve got some serious code crunching to do.

The role of the C# action delegate

Action delegate in C# is a pre-defined, generic delegate. Think of it as the chocolate chip cookie recipe your grandma gave you. It’s tried, it’s tested, it exists beforehand. And just like how you could use that recipe, but substitute the chocolate chips with macadamia nuts or cranberries to have different cookie flavors, similarly, with an Action type, you could define your own method that matches the signature, and pass it as a parameter! Pretty sweet, right?

Let’s cook up some C# Action real quick.

Action<string> printActionDel = delegate(string message)
printActionDel("Hello, World!");

In this example, we define an action delegate printActionDel that takes a string as a parameter and prints it to the console. Simple, yet powerful!

Defining what is action in C#

Imagine you know a magic trick that can transform things, like turning water into coffee (wouldn’t that be swell!). To perform this trick, you would need to invoke a specific spell. Well, in C#, an Action is that magic trick. It’s a construct, or, more formally, a delegate, that knows how to perform an action, maybe on some data or a variable. Typically, it’s used to encapsulate a method that doesn’t return a value (a void method).

A Comprehensive Look at Action

Things start to get real interesting when you drive deep into the core of Action. How does function compare to action? What’s the difference? Let’s find out.

C# action example: A detailed guide

If you think about coding as crafting a spell, Action is one of your most potent charms! To illustrate, consider a mundane task of greeting someone. Here’s your magic trick!

Action<string> greetAction = (name) => 
Console.WriteLine($"Hello, {name}!");
greetAction("C# Developer");

Boy, I wish wizards could code their spells this way.

Comparing C# Function vs Action: Key distinctions

A common question you might have is — what’s the difference between a function and action in C#? Aren’t they interchangeable? Well, think of a function as a restaurant where you order food and expect something in return.

An action, on the other hand, is more like a fast-food joint. You order food, but don’t really expect to wait or get anything else in return. Basically, Actions are just methods but with no return value. An underappreciated difference, but oh so important!

The Use of Void Function in C#

Now onto some C# wizardry where we return… absolutely nothing!

Exploring the concept of void function matlab

In languages like MATLAB, the concept of a void function is quite prevalent. But what does it mean? Check this out:

public void SayHello(string name)
Console.WriteLine($"Hello, {name}!");


In this example, SayHello is a void function (i.e., it doesn’t return anything). Yet it performs an important spell — greeting a person with their name. Neat, right?

Example usages of void function in C#

Real-life coding is not just about casting the right spells, but choosing the correct charms for each situation. Void functions, or as C# would say, Action delegates, are brilliant for creating neat, modular code.

Action sayGoodbye = (name) =><br>{<br>Console.WriteLine($"Goodbye, {name}!");<br>};
sayGoodbye("fellow coder");

In this block, sayGoodbye is an Action that performs a farewell. Underrated, yet efficient!

Detailed Case Studies

Delving into the world of C# Action requires a keen eye for real-world applications. Remember, anyone can learn to code, but adapting code to solve real challenges, that’s what separates the experts from the rest. Let’s see how Action delegates can help us.

Case study: Utilizing C# action delegate in real-world applications

Picture this, you’re working on an RPG game that is packed with strategies, ambushes and cool player stats. One small yet essential requirement of this project is to display the statistics of a player as soon as they click on the ‘Stats’ button.

Conventionally, you would have the Button Click event procedure directly call a method to update the stats. But what if you could separate the button control code and display code, creating a more flexible structure and easing future modifications? Enter Action delegates, our superheroes!

// The stats update method
void UpdateStats(string player)
// Code to fetch and display stats
Console.WriteLine($"{player}'s stats have been updated.");

// The button click event
void OnClick(string player, Action<string> action)
// delegate the stats update

// The Action delegate
Action<string> actionDel = UpdateStats;

// Suppose the player clicks the button
OnClick("PlayerA", actionDel);

In this piece of code, UpdateStats method fetches and displays player stats (let’s just assume it does!). Instead of calling this method directly from the button click event, we wrap it within an Action delegate actionDel.

This delegate is then passed as a parameter to the OnClick method, providing a neat decoupling between the button control and stats display logic. It’s like having your very own team of superheroes, where each member does a specific task, but together they make the world a better place!

Case study: Employing void function matlab in diverse scenarios

Let’s switch gears to something even tougher — scientific data processing. If you’re dealing with any form of raw data, you’re bound to dabble in cleaning, normalizing, or even smoothing data points. This is where Action delegates or ‘void’ functions can come to your rescue.

// Method to normalize data
void NormalizeData(double[] data)
// Normalization logic, for now just print
Console.WriteLine($"Data {data} has been normalized.");

// Method to remove outliers
void RemoveOutliers(double[] data)
// Outlier removal logic, for now just print
Console.WriteLine($"Outliers in data {data} have been removed.");

// The Action delegate for normalization
Action<double[]> actionNormalize = NormalizeData;

// The Action delegate for removing outliers
Action<double[]> actionRemoveOutliers = RemoveOutliers;

// Data processing
void ProcessData(double[] data, Action<double[]> action)
// Sample data
double[] rawData = {5.6, 8.1, 9.0, 7.5};
// Utilizing Action delegates
ProcessData(rawData, actionNormalize);
ProcessData(rawData, actionRemoveOutliers);

In this example, NormalizeData and RemoveOutliers are two extreme yet frequent data processing tasks. Instead of invoking these methods directly, we encapsulate them within respective action delegates. These delegates are then piped into ProcessData, where they perform the specific operations on the data. This modular and reusable approach makes data processing tend to bend towards C# Actions

Wrapping Up Action in C#

You’ve now learned the magic of Action in C#, hopefully enjoyed the journey, and ideally found a couple of spots to chuckle along the way! But remember, wizardry goes hand in hand with continuous practice. So, the question is, will you swish and flick and…code these spells yourself? Or, would you rather watch Stagnant Stu, your imaginary coding nemesis, leaving you behind in his magical coding dust?

To help you cast your spells, here are a few topics you might want to explore further:

  • Action<T> and Func<T>
  • Multicast Delegates
  • Asynchronous delegates

Happy coding, sorcerers!



Juan España

CEO at ByteHide🔐, passionate about highly scalable technology businesses and .NET content creator 👨‍💻