Enable CORS in ASP.NET Core in the Easiest Way

Juan España
Published in
9 min readAug 21, 2023

In this guide, we’ll see the core principles of Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) in ASP.NET Core. We will cover its role in web applications, provide practical examples and highlight some common mistakes to avoid.

Let’s dive in!

Introduction to CORS

Ever wondered about the invisible rules that keep your website interactions safe and secure? That’s where CORS, or Cross-Origin Resource Sharing, comes in. This primer will help us understand its importance in our web applications.

Understanding CORS and Its Importance

CORS or Cross-Origin Resource Sharing allows or restricts external domains to access resources from your domain. Imagine you’re hosting a party (your website), and CORS is the bouncer deciding who gets in (requests) based on the guest list (rules you’ve set). Oh, and that party? It’s one thrilling and secure online experience!

// An example of a CORS rules:

app.UseCors(builder =>

How Does CORS Work

Once you send a request from a client to a server in the dance of web communication, the server responds with access control headers.

These headers decide who gets to dance along to the beat (the resources). But hey, let’s not only talk in riddles, let’s dive deeper into CORS’s working mechanism in ASP.NET Core context in the next sections.

// Example of server CORS headers

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://domain.com
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST, GET

Setting Up the Development Environment for ASP.NET Core

Software development is a bit like cooking: the right ingredients and proper tools can make all the difference. In our case, those tools are mainly software and your willpower to code.

Required Tools and Software

To cook up an irresistible ASP.NET Core application, you’ll need:

  • .NET Core SDK
  • Visual Studio or any other preferred code editor
  • A burning desire to code
// Installing the .NET Core SDK gives you access to the `dotnet` CLI command
// With it, you can create a new ASP.NET Core project

dotnet new webapp -o MyWebApp
cd MyWebApp
dotnet watch run

Creating Your First ASP.NET Core Application

Like a chef preparing a new recipe, let’s create our first ASP.NET Core web application. By doing so, we’ll lay the groundwork necessary to explore CORS in ASP.NET Core in the upcoming sections.

// Let's create a new project using CLI:

dotnet new webapp -o MyASPApp

Voila! You have created your first ASP.NET Core application.

Basic Concepts of CORS in NET Core

Let’s refresh our basics; every master coder was once a beginner, right? CORS is central to ASP.NET Core, especially when developing web applications that interact with resources from different domains.

// Here, you're allowing CORS for an array of specific domains.
app.UseCors(builder =>

Step-by-step Guide to Enabling CORS in Web API NET Core

Firstly, we need to install the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cors package. Then, add the CORS service in ConfigureServices method and apply the policy in the Configure method. I know, it sounds tricky, but let’s break it down step-by-step with code examples.

Step 1: Install the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cors package
dotnet add package Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cors

Step 2: Add CORS services in the ConfigureServices method
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddCors(options =>
options.AddPolicy("AllowAll", builder =>
Step 3: Apply the policy in the Configure method
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app)

Understanding NET Core Allow CORS Methods

Are you tired of the legends and myths surrounding NET Core Allow CORS methods? Time to bust those myths with some concrete knowledge and non-negotiable facts! And yep, you guessed it — we’ll see how we can apply these CORS methods to our ASP.NET Core application.

// .NET Core Allow CORS methods at a glance:

app.UseCors(builder => builder.AllowAnyOrigin()); // Allow requests from any origin
app.UseCors(builder => builder.WithOrigins("http://domain.com")); // Allow requests only from domain.com
app.UseCors(builder => builder.AllowAnyHeader()); // Allow any header in the request
app.UseCors(builder => builder.AllowAnyMethod()); // Allow any HTTP method in the request

That concludes our fascinating tour into the world of CORS in ASP.NET Core. We’ve demystified CORS, danced around with its implementation in ASP.NET Core, and even seen how we can enable it.

Remember, the ASP.NET Core world is your oyster, and CORS is your pearl of secure web communication.

Practical Examples of Using CORS in ASP.NET Core

Our journey into the realm of CORS and ASP.NET Core just got more interesting. Ready to roll up your sleeves and dive head-first into some real-world examples? Let’s do it!

A Practical Example of CORS ASP.NET Core

CORS and ASP.NET Core go together like bread and butter, cookies and milk, or… well, you get the idea. To make this partnership crystal clear, let’s look at a practical example where we configure an ASP.NET Core application to allow requests from specific origins.

In Startup.cs configure services method, we add a CORS policy

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddCors(options =>
builder =>
builder.WithOrigins("http://example.com", "http://example2.com")

Bazinga! We have set a CORS policy “AllowSpecificOrigin” that allows requests from the domains http://example.com and http://example2.com.

ASP.NET Core CORS Allow All: What Does It Mean and When to Use It

Sometimes, you simply want to open all the doors and have a grand open house. Or in tech terms, you want to accept requests from all origins. Let’s see how we can “allow all” using ASP.NET Core CORS.

// We add a policy in Startup.cs that allows all

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddCors(options =>
options.AddPolicy("AllowEverything", // This is the open house we talked about!
builder =>
builder.AllowAnyOrigin() // Any origin is welcome...
.AllowAnyHeader() // With any type of headers...
.AllowAnyMethod(); // And any HTTP methods. Such a jolly party indeed!

And there you have it, friend! The ASP.NET Core CORS Allow All policy in its full glory.

Applying CORS policies on a granular level (e.g., to individual controllers or actions) can give you more control over your application. But remember, with great power comes great responsibility, so make sure you handle your CORS powers wisely.

Deep Dive into CORS Policies in ASP.NET Core

As we continue our journey through the core of CORS policies within ASP.NET Core, we’re about to dive even deeper. Brace yourself, as we ‘go under the hood’ and explore how to tailor CORS policies to suit specific use cases. Notice what I did there? Brace? Dive? Alright, let’s move on…

Adding CORS Policies in ASP.NET Core: An In-Depth Guide

Crafting CORS policies is like sculpting a piece of art — it gives you control over who can admire (access) your masterpiece (web application) and how they can interact with it. With that spirited analogy, let’s go on a crafty expedition to add and configure CORS policies in ASP.NET Core.

// In Startup.cs, let's add a CORS policy...

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddCors(options =>
options.AddPolicy("OnlyGetAndPostPolicy", // A catchy policy name...
builder =>
// Only requests from http://myartgallery.com and http://friendgallery.com, that use GET or POST methods and with any headers, are allowed.
builder.WithOrigins("http://myartgallery.com", "http://friendgallery.com")
.WithMethods("GET", "POST")
// And just like that, we have a fine-tuned CORS policy named "OnlyGetAndPostPolicy".

Cool, right? But wait, there’s more!

Enable CORS NET Core: Understanding CORS Policy Options

Battles are won by understanding your weapons! Knowing CORS policy options comes handy when tailor-making your own policies. Let’s dive into the ocean of policy options, so we can emerge as triumphant warriors safeguarding our apps from unnecessary cross-origin requests.

Here is a snapshot of CORS policy options:

  • WithOrigins: To allow requests only from specific domains.
  • AllowAnyOrigin: To accept requests from any domain (use with caution).
  • AllowAnyMethod: To allow any HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT etc.) in the request.
  • WithMethods: To specify which HTTP methods are allowed in the request.
  • AllowAnyHeader: To accept any HTTP request header.
  • WithHeaders: To specify which HTTP headers are allowed in the request.
  • WithExposedHeaders: To specify which headers are safe to expose to the API of a CORS API specification.
  • AllowCredentials: To allow requests with credentials.

Clearly, these options are your sword and shield while configuring CORS policies in ASP.NET Core.

Now, let’s apply this freshly-acquired knowledge to use the ‘AllowSpecificOrigins’ policy.

ASP.NET Core Allow CORS: Utilizing the ‘AllowSpecificOrigins’ Policy

The ‘AllowSpecificOrigins’ policy is like the gatekeeper of your ASP.NET Core application. It allows entry only to the domains on your ‘guest list’. Let’s see how this policy can be used to manage cross-origin requests. Remember our lovely analogy about a party? Yeah, we’re hanging on to it!

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddCors(options =>
options.AddPolicy("AllowSpecificOrigins", // The policy name...
builder =>
// Welcome! Requests from these domains can access my party (web application)...
builder.WithOrigins("http://buddy1.com", "http://buddy2.com")
.AllowAnyHeader() // You can wear anything to my party (any headers are allowed)...
.AllowAnyMethod(); // And bring any dish (any HTTP methods are allowed). Everyone's welcome!

Remember how we learned to ride a bike? Start slow, understand how it works, fall (maybe a little), get up and then ride like a champ? Well, that’s pretty much how you master CORS policies in ASP.NET Core. You start by understanding what CORS is, dive into how CORS works in ASP.NET Core, understand how to enable it, and finally, nail it by adding intricately designed policies.

CORS Middleware in .NET 6

Up next, we’ll unfold the mystery surrounding the pivotal role of middleware in .NET 6 while managing CORS. It’s about to get even more technical and exciting, so hold on to your hats!

Understanding the Role of Middleware in Net Core 6 CORS Handling

In the grand orchestra of .NET 6, middleware is like a conductor, managing how different components interact with each other. It’s a pivotal cog in the machine, especially when handling CORS. Let’s examine this conductor’s role and see how well it plays the symphony of the cross-origin resource sharing.

// An example of CORS Middleware in .NET 6:

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
builder.Services.AddCors(options =>
options.AddDefaultPolicy(builder =>
var app = builder.Build();
// rest of your code...

How to AddCORS Middleware in NET Core 6

Alrighty, ready to play the role of conductor and add CORS middleware to your .NET 6 application? Let’s create a harmonious symphony that revolves around allowing cross-origin requests from specific domains. In the process, you’ll understand how middleware can make your life easier!

// Let's go ahead and add CORS middleware in our .NET 6 application:

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
builder.Services.AddCors(options =>
options.AddDefaultPolicy(builder =>
var app = builder.Build();

Now your application will accept cross-origin requests from http://example.com.

That’s pretty much everything you need to get started with CORS in ASP.NET Core and .NET 6. At this point, you should be familiar with how CORS works, why it’s crucial for your applications, and how to implement it using middleware in .NET 6. Congratulations, you’re now a CORS ninja!

But wait, that’s not it. All ninjas should be ready to avoid traps during their mission. So let’s discuss some common pitfalls and best practices when implementing CORS in ASP.NET Core.

Avoid Common Mistakes with CORS in ASP.NET Core

CORS in NET Core opens up a world of connectivity, but the road to success is riddled with pitfalls. Let’s be prepare ourselves to step wisely on this path.

Pitfalls in CORS NET Core: What to Watch Out For

In this enlightening quest of CORS in NET Core, one cannot ignore the potential pitfalls threatening to throw us off track. However, with our guide to common mistakes and solutions, these won’t seem menacing anymore.

Firstly, always be vigilant about the middleware order. The positioning of app.UseCors() is paramount in your configuration.

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app)
app.UseAuthorization(); // Order is wrong
app.UseCors(); // Place UseCors() before UseAuthorization()
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app)
app.UseCors(); // This is correct

Secondly, never pair AllowAnyOrigin() and AllowCredentials() due to potential security risks. It’s akin to leaving your front door open!

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddCors(options =>
options.AddDefaultPolicy(builder =>
.AllowCredentials()); // Not advisable

Let’s not forget, CORS is not a substitute for user authorizations and permissions. CORS merely adds an additional layer of security.

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddCors(options =>
options.AddDefaultPolicy(builder =>
services.AddAuthorization(); // Remember the need for authorization

Remember, a keen eye, cautious mind, and double-checking your code can save you from these pitfalls in the journey of CORS in .NET Core!

Best Practices for Implementing CORS C#

The path to becoming an exemplary C# developer is not just steering clear of blunders but embracing best practices. So let’s stroll through essential practices in the realm of CORS C#.

Firstly, do not use AllowAnyOrigin() and AllowAnyMethod() in production – an open door is an invitation to trouble!

services.AddCors(options =>
options.AddPolicy("Open", policy =>
policy.AllowAnyOrigin() // Not recommended for production
.AllowAnyMethod()); // Also not recommended for production

Implement vigorous CORS policies by regulating the origins, headers, and methods.

services.AddCors(options =>
options.AddPolicy("Specific", policy =>
policy.WithOrigins("http://specificdomain.com") // Only requests from specificdomain.com
.WithMethods("GET", "POST") // Only allowing GET and POST methods
.WithHeaders("header1", "header2")); // Only allowing specific headers

Lastly, never underestimate the vitality of updates. Imagine always carrying the latest toolkit — it’s a lifesaver!

  • Keep an eye on the official ASP.NET Core documentation for updates
  • Stay proactive in updating your CORS middleware to the latest version

Following these practices could be your first steps towards becoming a trusted and respected C# developer. Aim high, friend!

Recap of Enabling CORS in Net Core

We broke down the fundamentals of CORS, explored how to set up the development environment for ASP.NET Core, examined the roles and methods of enabling CORS, and gave you the practical examples you needed.

We then took a thrilling plunge into CORS policies, saw how middleware fits into the picture, and even debunked some CORS related myths.



Juan España

CEO at ByteHide🔐, passionate about highly scalable technology businesses and .NET content creator 👨‍💻