While Loop in C#: How Does it Work?

Juan España
Published in
6 min readMar 27, 2024

Witness the magic of loops! Specifically, we’ll conjure the enigmatic ‘while’ loop in C#, undeniably a powerful tool in every developer’s arsenal. Eager to unravel the ‘how?’, ‘what?’, and ‘when?’ Hold your breath; the ride’s about to begin.

Understanding the Anatomy of C# While Loop

But first, let’s break down the anatomy of this mysterious creature. Like a trusty steed, it’s always there, waiting for your command.

The Basic Structure of a While Loop

Think of the ‘while’ loop as a loyal hound, waiting for a command. It waits for a condition to be true before performing a trick; in this case, executing a block of code. Its syntax is quite simple:

while (condition)
// code to be executed

The dog will continue to do the trick as long as the condition is met. Similarly, the ‘while’ loop will keep executing the code block as long as the condition evaluates to true. It’s like having your own perpetual trick-machine!

Importance and Application of While Loop in C#

Where does this canine come handy, you might ask? From iterating over collections to simple event loops, it’s your go-to solution when the number of iterations is not known beforehand. Brilliant, isn’t it?

C# While Syntax: An Explanation

Confused about the syntax? It’s simpler than baking a pie!

int index = 0;
while (index < 10)

In our scrumptious pie (code), the condition checks if variable ‘index’ is less than 10. Until the condition is fulfilled, the code within the loop keeps printing the index’s value. Once it reaches 10, the condition becomes false, thereby stopping the loop. The ‘index++’ simply increments the value of the index after each iteration.

Looping in C#: An Overview

Let’s delve into the world of loops in C#. Understanding how to control the flow of a program is crucial for writing efficient code, and the concept of loops plays a significant part in it.

Iteration Tools in C#: Comparison Between Various Loops

In C#, you have multiple types of loops available, each with its specific use cases. Even though all of them primarily aim to execute a block of code multiple times, their control structures differ in how they handle this repetition. Let’s explore these.

For Loop

The for loop is an iteration statement which repeatedly executes the loop body as long as the loop condition holds true.

Its syntax is relatively straight-forward:

for (initialization; condition; increment)
// Code to be executed

For instance, let’s iterate over the numbers from 0 to 10 and print them:

for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++)

This is a classic case where we know precisely the number of times we wish our loop to iterate. It’s like knowing how many laps to run on a track.

While Loop

The while loop, on the other hand, is ideal when we don’t know ahead of time how many times the loop should run. This loop will continue to execute its statements as long as the condition remains true.

Here’s a quick glimpse into its syntax:

// Code to be executed

Let’s apply this to a real-life scenario, like in an automated cleaning robot:

int batteryLife = 100; // battery life on a scale of 0-100
while(batteryLife > 0)
Console.WriteLine($"Cleaning in progress. Battery life: {batteryLife}%");
batteryLife -= 10; // decrease battery life by 10% with each loop

In this case, the robot doesn’t know how long it will clean. It just keeps going until its battery runs out.

Do While Loop

The do while loop is a subtle spin-off of the while loop. It guarantees that the loop block is executed at least once because it checks the condition at the end of the loop.

Check out its syntax:

// Code to be executed
while (condition);

For instance, suppose you have a program that offers to roll a dice until it rolls a six:

int roll;
roll = new Random().Next(1, 7); // random number between 1 and 6
Console.WriteLine($"Rolled a {roll}.");
} while (roll != 6);

Here, the die will always roll at least once, even if it’s a six on the first try.

Do While C#: A Special Variation

Step aside, while loop, it’s time for your flamboyant cousin, the ‘do while’ loop, to take center stage.

Difference Between While and Do While in C#

In some instances, you want the code to be executed at least once before checking the condition. It’s like taking a leap of faith into a pool before checking the water temperature. That’s your ‘do while’ loop!

int number = 5;
} while(number < 5);

No, your eyes aren’t fooling you. Even if the number is not less than 5, the code is still executed once. It’s like the bird that flutters its wings at least once, irrespective of the journey ahead.

Understanding the ‘Do While Statement C#’

Terrified of the jargon? Don’t worry! Simply remember, in a ‘do while’ loop, the action (the ‘do’) comes before the condition (the ‘while’). It’s the go-getter amongst loops, jumping into action before asking questions.

C# Do While Example: Applying What We’ve Learned

Enough of theory, let’s get our hands dirty with some practical examples. Ready to ride?

A Simple Example of Do While Loop

Here’s a simple example of a ‘do while’ loop:

int i = 0;
} while (i<10);

In this, the values from 0–9 are printed. It’s like a diligent pup printing a list of its favorite toys!

A Complex Do While Loop Explanation

Buckle up for a slightly bumpy ride! Explore this intricate example:

int x = 1, sum = 0;
sum += x;
} while (x <= 10);
Console.WriteLine("Sum: " + sum);

Here, the sum of numbers from 1–10 is calculated. It’s like a diligent bee collecting nectar from the first ten flowers it encounters.

Can You Use Indexof with Dictionary in C#? An Interesting Case

Pondering over mixing terms and structures? You’re not alone! Is ‘indexof’ ideal to use with a dictionary in C#? Let’s unravel the mystery together.

Using Indexof in C#: An Overview

To put simply, ‘IndexOf’ is commonly used with arrays and lists, not dictionaries. ‘indexof’ is more like a springboard, giving a positional bounce to elements in a list. In a dictionary, there’s no such order. It’s a free, democratic space- no first, no last, just a unique position for everyone.

Interaction of SQL While Loop with C#

Ever wondered about the cross-connection between SQL and C# while loop? Unleash this fascinating phenomenon for a richer programming experience.

SQL While Loop: How Does it Compare to C# While Loop

While the overall purpose is the same, the difference lies in syntax and usage. An SQL while loop is used within SQL Server, to perform actions on database entries, while a C# while loop is predominantly used for flow control in applications. Imagine two entirely different animals communicating through a shared language!

Do Until in C#: When and How to Use It

Intrigued by the ‘do until’ syntax? Let’s sail the ship from do while to do until.

Difference Between Do While and Do Until in C#

C# doesn’t have a native ‘do until’ loop, unlike VB.NET. Surprised, aren’t you? However, fret not! A ‘do until’ loop can be mimicked by using a ‘do while’ loop and applying a not (!) operator before the condition. It’s like wearing a mask, pretending to be someone else.

int i = 0;
} while (!(i>=10));

The loop keeps executing till the ‘i’ is not greater than or equal to 10.

Understanding Other Loops: VB.NET for Loop

Curious about other languages and their loop? Let’s explore the vibrant VB.NET for loop to enrich our programming vernacular.

VB.NET for loop: An Easy Explanation

For you, brave adventurer, brace yourself for a fantastical ride! In VB.NET, For loop is coded as such:

For i As Integer = 0 To 9

This loop prints the numbers from 0 to 9. Wander in this new terrain and discover hidden treasures!

Comparison Between C# While Loop and VB.NET for Loop

Even though they seem like different species, they share the same DNA — control flow. The primary difference lies in their language-specific syntax and usage. It’s like understanding the same story told in different languages.

Well, that’s it! Our voyage from while loop to do while, and from C# to VB.Net is complete. We’ve navigated through uncharted territories, learned new languages, and discovered hidden treasures. Keep exploring, for the world of programming is vast and beautiful, filled with numerous wonders waiting to be discovered! Treat this journey as just the beginning, a key to unlock more doors to fascinating realms — you’re one baby-step closer to mastering the art of coding!



Juan España

CEO at ByteHide🔐, passionate about highly scalable technology businesses and .NET content creator 👨‍💻